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People's Initiative for Clinics fails - Lawsuit planned

A people's initiative in Brandenburg for the preservation of clinics and practices has taken the decisive threshold, but comes nevertheless not at first. Why?

Criticized the exit for the initiative: The speaker of the BVB/Free Voters group in the Brandenburg...
Criticized the exit for the initiative: The speaker of the BVB/Free Voters group in the Brandenburg State Parliament, Péter Vida (Archival image).

hospitals - People's Initiative for Clinics fails - Lawsuit planned

The People's Initiative to Save Hospitals and Doctor's Practices in Brandenburg with over 22,000 collected signatures has failed initially for legal reasons. The Free Voters, who had initiated the initiative, announced a lawsuit and accused the red-red-green Coalition of political instrumentalization. A majority of the Main Committee in the Landtag voted that the initiative was legally inadmissible. The Landtag will not deal with it further.

"The opportunity to take significant steps towards better healthcare provision in our federal state with the acceptance of the People's Initiative seems to have been overlooked by the Coalition fractions," explained BVB/Free Voters. "It seems that political maneuvering is more important than the concerns of the citizens." BVB/Free Voters therefore intend to call on the Constitutional Court of Brandenburg.

Decision due to Violations

SPD fraction leader Daniel Keller defends the decision, however. "We cannot pass something that is legally inadmissible," he said.

The Coalition fractions refer to an opinion of the parliamentary advisory service of the Landtag Brandenburg. In it, it is stated that the People's Initiative violates the coupling ban, as it combines four different demands. It also violates the principle of clarity, as its essential prerequisites, contents, distribution measures, and financial consequences are not clearly stated.

Deficits in Hospitals

The People's Initiative "Health is not a commodity" demands, among other things, a Hospital Rescue Fund from 2025, more Land Doctors, more Practice Nurses, more foundations and takeovers, as well as more Arztpraxen. The Landtag decides within four months after receipt of the initiative on whether the necessary quorum of 20,000 signatures has been reached.

Nationwide, hospitals are in financial trouble, including in Brandenburg, where hospitals are making deficits. Health Minister Ursula Nonnemacher (Greens) does not plan to close clinics in the context of the planned hospital reform, but demands further development. In Brandenburg, there is also a shortage of doctors in some places, which could worsen.

  1. Despite the failed People's Initiative in Potsdam, the Free Voters are planning to challenge the decision in the Constitutional Court of Brandenburg.
  2. The State parliament's Main Committee voted that the People's Initiative to Save Hospitals and Doctor's Practices was legally inadmissible, causing the Landtag to not engage further with the issue.
  3. SPD fraction leader Daniel Keller justifies the decision, stating that they cannot pass something that is legally inadmissible.
  4. The parliamentary advisory service of the Landtag in Brandenburg issued an opinion stating that the People's Initiative violates the coupling ban and the principle of clarity.
  5. The People's Initiative, titled "Health is not a commodity," includes demands for a Hospital Rescue Fund, more Land Doctors, Practice Nurses, foundations, and takeovers, as well as more Arztpraxen.
  6. Amidst financial struggles in hospitals nationwide, including in Brandenburg, there is a shortage of doctors in some areas, potentially worsening the situation.

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