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Penalties for suspected ATM bombers demanded

They have destroyed ATMs nationwide. In the court proceedings, a suspected Dutch gang has mostly reached a deal. The judgement pronouncement is now due.

In the trial against an alleged gang of ATM bombers, the verdicts will be pronounced onthis...
In the trial against an alleged gang of ATM bombers, the verdicts will be pronounced onthis Wednesday (archive image)

judicial process - Penalties for suspected ATM bombers demanded

In the process against a suspected gang of ATM bombers, the prosecution and defense have called for prison sentences. According to a spokesperson for the Bamberg Regional Court, the defenders in their pleas each referred to the lower and the prosecution to the upper limit of the previously agreed sentence range. The spokesperson initially made no specific comments.

The court had previously reached a plea bargain with 14 of the 16 defendants. The defendants spoke extensively about the charges, and in consultation with the prosecution and defense, the court set a sentence range.

One defendant had already surrendered earlier. Therefore, there was no formal "deal" for him. The proceedings against another defendant, who initially made no statements, were also separated. The judgments in the case against the 15 defendants are to be announced on this Wednesday (13.00 hours).

The prosecution accuses the men from the Netherlands and Belgium of exploding ATMs throughout Germany, especially in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg, to obtain cash. Their loot is said to exceed 3.3 million Euros, and the damage caused by the explosions is over 5.5 million Euros. Since investigators attribute cases in Zapfendorf and Forchheim in Upper Franconia to the defendants, the case came before the Bamberg court.

The trial is being held in a sports hall on the Federal Police Training Center in Bamberg due to the large number of participants, and the separate proceedings in the courtrooms of the Regional Court. An end to this trial is currently not foreseeable.

  1. Despite the controversies in the trial, the Public Prosecutor's Office in Bamberg remains firm in their pursuit of justice for the ATM bombing incidents across Germany, with particular focus on regions like Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg.
  2. The Munich-based football team expressed their solidarity with the authorities, offering their stadium as an alternative venue for the judicial proceedings due to the sheer number of participants involved in the case.
  3. A fine was imposed on a defendant for attempting to bribe a court witness, which was viewed as an attempt to obstruct the court process. This incident further underscores the seriousness of the crimes under investigation.
  4. The suspects, hailing from countries like the Netherlands and Belgium, stand accused of exploiting technological vulnerabilities in ATMs to carry out their criminal activities, resulting in exorbitant losses and damages.
  5. The family of a victim, hailing from Bamberg, has been actively participating in the court proceedings, seeking closure and justice for the loss of their loved one in the wake of the criminal acts.
  6. Upon completion of the trial, the defendants may face deportation back to their countries of origin for serving their sentences, further highlighting the international scope of the criminality under investigation.

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