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Passersby robbed at train stations: Accused remains silent

A man has his briefcase stolen on an escalator. In another case, the thief reaches into a backpack. A policeman with a keen eye for faces recognizes the suspected culprit.

A 44-year-old stands before the Berlin Criminal Court due to theft and robbery. (archive picture)
A 44-year-old stands before the Berlin Criminal Court due to theft and robbery. (archive picture)

process for theft - Passersby robbed at train stations: Accused remains silent

A 44-year-old man stands before the Berlin Criminal Court due to accusations of robbery at U-Bahn stations in the neighborhoods of Mitte and Neukölln in February and May 2023. The man is also charged with armed theft and causing bodily harm. At the beginning of the trial, the man did not comment on the accusations. The prosecution accuses the defendant of Theft with a weapon, grievous bodily harm, and armed robbery.

A so-called "Super Recognizer" of the Berlin Police was used in the investigation related to these crimes at U-Stations in the districts of Mitte and Neukölln. People with this ability have a special talent for recognizing faces and identifying people. The officer reportedly examined recordings from surveillance cameras. He is said to have recognized the defendant.

According to the indictment, in February 2023, the defendant approached a man from behind on the escalator at U-Bahnhof Jannowitzbrücke, grabbed something from his waistband, and stole a briefcase. When the victim noticed the theft and tried to resist, the perpetrator reportedly used Pepper Spray.

Victim assaulted and robbed

Approximately three months later, the defendant is said to have grabbed a bag from a passerby near U-Bahnhof Leinestraße. When the companion of the woman spoke to him, he reportedly used pepper spray again. In April 2023, the 44-year-old man is accused of attacking a local bar patron with accomplices. The victim was allegedly dragged to the bar, beaten, and robbed.

The defendant, who has a prior conviction for theft, has been in pre-trial detention since mid-April. The man, who is of Algerian origin, reportedly had no fixed residence. In the trial, he stated that he came to Germany only to see his son who lives in Berlin. The hearing will continue on August 14.

  1. The Public Prosecutor's Office in Berlin is handling the case against the defendant, charging him with Theft, grievous bodily harm, and armed robbery.
  2. The investigation at the U-Bahn stations in Mitte and Neukölln was aided by the police's "Super Recognizer," who identified the defendant from surveillance camera recordings.
  3. The Countermeasure used by the defendant during the incidents at the train stations included pepper spray, causing Bodily Harm to the victims.
  4. The Process (Court) for the defendant began in Berlin, where he stood accused of multiple crimes, including theft at U-Bahn stations, causing bodily harm, and armed robbery.
  5. The pursuit of Justice in this case is essential, as the defendant's alleged actions have caused distress and harm to multiple individuals within the Berlin community.

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