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Package delivery man run over by own truck - Man injured

A package deliverer fails to secure his vehicle sufficiently. The car acts on its own - in the end, the 49-year-old is in the hospital.

A package deliverer was run over by his own vehicle (image)
A package deliverer was run over by his own vehicle (image)

accident - Package delivery man run over by own truck - Man injured

A package deliveryman in Werra-Suhl-Tal (Wartburgkreis) was overturned by his own car. The 49-year-old was seriously injured and taken to the hospital, according to the Gotha police. The man was delivering packages at the time, and had not secured the vehicle sufficiently, the police reported.

The vehicle rolled backwards down the street according to the police. In attempting to stop the car, the 49-year-old man ended up under it and was run over. The car reportedly came to a stop at a lamp post.

Monday: MontagTuesday: DienstagWednesday: MittwochThursday: DonnerstagFriday: FreitagSaturday: SamstagSunday: Sonntag

The accident occurred in the Wartburg district, specifically in Thuringia. The police are investigating the circumstances, as the vehicle automatically rolled backwards due to lack of securement. Regrettably, this incident resulted in severe injuries to the deliveryman, requiring hospitalization.

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