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Overthrow planned: State Security Chamber to announce verdict

A 27-year-old is suspected to have collected weapons and ammunition to kill people of various population groups. Police found amongst other things machine guns and bombs.

In the State Protection Chamber's case against a 27-year-old who is accused of planning a violent...
In the State Protection Chamber's case against a 27-year-old who is accused of planning a violent overthrow in Germany, a verdict is expected on Friday.

process - Overthrow planned: State Security Chamber to announce verdict

In the proceedings of the State Protection Chamber against a 27-year-old man, who was alleged to have planned a violent coup in Germany, a verdict is expected on Friday (10:00 am). The man is charged with numerous explosives and weapons offenses in the Frankfurt District Court, in addition to preparing a serious state-threatening violent act. He is accused of intending, for right-wing motivations, to eliminate the democratic order in Germany with force and kill Muslims, Jews, and Green politicians.

The man was arrested in April of the previous year. During the investigations, several weapons and munitions caches were discovered in the Rhine-Main area, which he is said to have set up. Among other things, there were rocket-propelled grenades, machine guns, and explosives.

  1. The 27-year-old's trial, related to his alleged plans for a violent revolution against the democratic order in Germany, is being handled in the District Court Frankfurt, a key institution within the process of justice in Hessen, Germany.
  2. It was in the Main River Frankfurt's vicinity where authorities uncovered several weapons and explosives caches, evidentially linked to the charges of extremism the man is facing in court.
  3. Should the 27-year-old man be found guilty across several court proceedings, including explosives and weapons offenses, he could potentially face severe consequences, illustrating the seriousness of criminality involving extreme ideologies.
  4. While extremism and criminality continue to pose challenges in Germany, the progress made in the 27-year-old's case serves as a reminder of the country's commitment to upholding the rule of law and protecting its democratic values, even in the face of threats from within.

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