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Over 56,000 reports at #{Hessen against Hate} since 2020

17,000 tips for hate comments went in online at that place in this year. Hessian Interior Minister Roman Poseck is concerned about the increase.

Since the beginning of the "#HessengegenHetze" hashtag over four and a half years ago, over 56,000...
Since the beginning of the "#HessengegenHetze" hashtag over four and a half years ago, over 56,000 reports of hate comments on the internet have been submitted. (Infographic)

Homicide - Over 56,000 reports at #{Hessen against Hate} since 2020

Since the beginning of the "#HessengegenHetze" reporting station in January 2020, over 56,000 reports have been received. Hessian Interior Minister Roman Poseck and Justice Minister Christian Heinz (both CDU) shared this information in Wiesbaden on Monday during the International Day of Action for Victims of Hate Crimes. In this year alone, nearly 17,000 contributions have been reported. This corresponds to 30 percent of the total reports.

"The increase in hate and incitement reveals a worrying development in society and politics," said Interior Minister Poseck in a statement. However, it also shows that the reporting station has become established and that victims no longer shy away from reporting incidents. On "#HessengegenHate" and in the "MeldeHelden" app, citizens can report hate comments on the net.

Politicians and Politicians particularly affected

Of the over 56,000 reports from the internet, approximately 58 percent were classified as hate speech. The groups most frequently targeted by hate were politicians and politicians with 24 percent. Politically opposing views followed with 17 percent, and Jews and Jews with 14 percent. The Reporting Station forwarded 461 cases to the Hessian Criminal Investigation Office due to potential threatening situations or threats.

"Hate-laden content contributes to the radicalization of society, fuels extremism, and can even lead to violent acts," explained Poseck. The past months have unfortunately shown this in a shocking way. "We are experiencing a new dimension of attacks, which pose a danger to our community and our Democracy." This requires a clear turnaround. "Hate and incitement should not be a means of dispute. Instead, we need a peaceful dialogue," emphasized the Minister.

Poseck: The AfD fuels division

The charged atmosphere is currently being fueled primarily by extreme political forces. "The AfD significantly contributes to the poisoning of the discourse. Their political model is to divide and pit people against each other," said Poseck. "Provocative, also legally relevant border crossings, defamation of minorities, institutions, and responsibility bearers, the search for scapegoats, and the disenfranchisement of people with a migration background are just a few examples of the political behavior of the AfD." This contradicts our values.

Beyond the internet, extremist activities are also reported

Justice Minister Heinz highlighted the work of the Central Office for the Fight against Internet Crime (ZIT) at the General Prosecutor's Office Frankfurt am Main. "In Hessen, approximately 700 proceedings against suspects have been recorded by the ZIT," he reported. In about 45 percent of the closed investigative proceedings, fines of up to six months' salary or administrative fines were imposed. In some cases, prison sentences were also imposed.

"For us, it is clear: We will confront those who attempt to discredit our democracy, our values, and our constitutional state with all legal means," emphasized he.

Also, extremist activities outside the internet are reported.

Since early 2023, citizens can report not only extremism on the internet but also extremist activities that are not related to the internet, according to the statement from the hotline. Extremist activities, as such, are defined as those aiming to eliminate the fundamental values of liberal democracy. This includes, but is not limited to, racist, nationalist, antisemitic, and xenophobic activities or those that infringe upon human rights.

  1. Minister Poseck, from the CDU in Hesse, Germany, mentioned that politicians and politicians are among the groups frequently targeted by hate.
  2. The "#HessengegenHate" reporting station, initiated by Roman Poseck and Christian Heinz (both from the CDU), has received over 56,000 reports of hate comments since its beginning in January 2020.
  3. The AfD, a political party, has been outlined by Roman Poseck as significantly contributing to the poisoning of the discourse and dividing people against each other.
  4. Roman Poseck emphasized that hate and incitement should not be a means of dispute, but rather encourage a peaceful dialogue, in order to protect democracy.
  5. Justice Minister Heinz reported that the Central Office for the Fight against Internet Crime (ZIT) at the General Prosecutor's Office Frankfurt am Main has recorded around 700 proceedings against suspects for internet-related extremist activities in Hesse.
  6. Extremist activities, such as racist, nationalist, antisemitic, and xenophobic activities, are now reportable outside the internet through a reporting point, as stated since early 2023.
  7. Roman Poseck shared that nearly 17,000 contributions have been reported this year alone, corresponding to 30 percent of the total reports, at the International Day of Action for Victims of Hate Crimes in Wiesbaden.

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