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Over 4,000 people at Christopher Street Day in Rostock

It is a colorful and joyful event in Rostock. Minister Drese also points to its special significance.

Thousands of people come to Rostock under the slogan 'No Place for Homophobia' to celebrate the...
Thousands of people come to Rostock under the slogan 'No Place for Homophobia' to celebrate the CSD.

CSD-Parade - Over 4,000 people at Christopher Street Day in Rostock

Social Minister Stefanie Drese (SPD) emphasized the significance of the Christopher Street Day event in Rostock during its celebration. "The CSD belongs to Rostock, just as the queer community does to Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Diversity is good and your visibility is good for MV," she said.

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is a land of diversity. "We have achieved a lot. We owe much of this to the CSD movement, which fights for the rights and visibility of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender and other queer people," the Minister added.

The CSD has been a permanent fixture in city life for more than two decades and has grown into one of the largest political demonstrations, Drese explained. However, incidents of discrimination and the alarming rise of far-right parties demonstrate that we still have a long way to go towards full acceptance, the Minister stated.

According to the police, around 4,200 people participated in the Christopher Street Day in Rostock under the motto "Diversity is good." The organizers reported approximately 5,000 attendees. There were some homophobic remarks and insults from people outside the demonstration.

In light of the growing support for the AfD and the increase in queer-hostile violence, the state government has been called upon to protect the queer community and other minorities from right-wing violence – and to expand prevention, education, and counseling offers in the state, the organizers continued. Additionally, the state police must be sensitized to queerphobia and violence against minorities.

Stefanie Drese, the SPD Social Minister from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, was a prominent figure at Rostock's Christopher Street Day event, stressing its importance for the city and the queer community in the region. She acknowledged the significant role the CSD movement has played in advocating for the rights and visibility of LGBTQ+ individuals.

Despite the progress made, Stefanie Drese acknowledged that incidents of discrimination and the rise of far-right parties indicate a need for more work towards full acceptance and protection of the queer community in Rostock and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

In response to growing concerns about queer-hostile violence and the popularity of the AfD, the organizers of Christopher Street Day in Rostock called upon the state government to take action, emphasizing the need for increased protection, prevention, education, and counseling services for the queer community and other minorities in Rostock and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

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