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Ostfriesian Islands working on climate-neutral future

Extreme weather and rising sea levels: Climate changes also threaten North Sea islands. On Spiekeroog and Borkum, there are ideas on how to achieve sustainable island life.

On the island of Spiekeroog, there are various projects for more sustainability (archive image)
On the island of Spiekeroog, there are various projects for more sustainability (archive image)

Sustainability and Climate Protection - Ostfriesian Islands working on climate-neutral future

With various initiatives, the Eastern Friesian Islands are working towards becoming climate-neutral. A new Photovoltaic plant is supplying renewable energy to parts of the quarter on Spiekeroog Island.

Water wells and a reusable system are intended to help prevent plastic waste, as Nadine Weber, sustainability and climate protection project coordinator on Spiekeroog, told the German Press Agency. For the mobility of islanders and guests on the mainland, the car-free island has also set up a car-sharing offer.

Awareness for climate protection is growing

On Borkum, the largest island, island households are planned to be heated with earth worms instead of natural gas in the future. The city utilities are planning a geothermal project for this. In the pursuit of sustainable island living, the islands are also facing some challenges - for example, in shipping. Large, renewably-powered ferries are not yet available along the North Sea coast.

The tourism researcher Enno Schmoll sees the Eastern Friesian Islands on a good path to more sustainability and climate neutrality. "The islands are striving to become even better and could perhaps also be a lighthouse for other destinations and a model for their guests," said the researcher at the Jade University in Wilhelmshaven.

The awareness of sustainability and climate protection among the holiday guests of the islands is also growing. "The islanders have lived in harmony with nature for a long time and know about their vulnerability. This is noticed by the guests as well."

  1. The future of energy on Spiekeroog Island includes the use of renewable sources, such as the new Photovoltaic plant.
  2. The initiative to use earth worms for heating island households on Borkum is part of the future plans for sustainable living.
  3. The commune on Spiekeroog is also focusing on sustainability by implementing a reusable system for water wells.
  4. The hospitality industry in the Eastern Friesian Islands is taking steps towards climate protection, with a growing awareness among guests.
  5. As stated by Nadine Weber, the sustainability and climate protection project coordinator on Spiekeroog, the islands are working towards preventing plastic waste.
  6. The challenges in shipping, such as the lack of large, renewably-powered ferries, are a concern for sustainable island living in Lower Saxony.
  7. The German Press Agency reported that the city utilities on Borkum are considering a geothermal project as part of their future plans for renewable energy.

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