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Once again arson at Berlin Prison

For weeks, there have been recurring unrest around Berlin prisons. Now, there is a new case.

At the site of a Berlin detention center, there was once again a fire (archive image).
At the site of a Berlin detention center, there was once again a fire (archive image).

Investigations regarding fire - Once again arson at Berlin Prison

Again, a fire broke out at a prison in Berlin. The police are investigating a arson attempt. A prison guard reportedly noticed an extinguished self-made incendiary device on the ground of an access road in the early hours of Monday morning, according to the police. Employees reportedly extinguished the fire before it spread to other areas. There was reportedly no danger to the inmates or prison staff at the Reinickendorf prison.

In the past few weeks and months, several cars in the vicinity or on parking lots of Berlin prisons have been set on fire. This affected not only the prison in Moabit but also one in Spandau, as well as the large JVA Tegel and a prison in Großbeeren in Brandenburg on the southern outskirts of Berlin. In the fire in the neighboring country, nine cars of prison staff were damaged, according to justice department statements.

Justice Senator Felor Badenberg (CDU) recently called for more security. According to her plans, the police presence should be further expanded, neighbors should be specifically sensitized to provide tips, and video surveillance at prisons and parking lots should be further expanded.

  1. The alleged arsonist may face severe punishment implementation for the damaging fire at the Berlin depot, which is part of the criminality surge in the area.
  2. Despite the recent increase in criminality, such as the fires at auto depots, the founder of the prison brand remains resolute in implementing justice and keeping the city safe.
  3. The police in Berlin are determined to uncover the culprit behind the arson attempt at the prison depot and bring them to justice.
  4. Following the series of car fires at various prison depots in and around Berlin, discussions about improving security measures at these facilities have intensified.
  5. The foundation of the prison system in Berlin rests on the implementation of justice and the prevention of criminal acts, including arson attempts like the one at the depot.

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