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Okapi youngsters in Frankfurt Zoo

In their African homeland, they are considered endangered. A Okapi has now been born at the Frankfurt Zoo. The visitors are delighted.

Young opaks excitement visitors in Frankfurt Zoo.
Young opaks excitement visitors in Frankfurt Zoo.

Forest giraffes - Okapi youngsters in Frankfurt Zoo

In the past week, an Okapi was born at the Frankfurt Zoo. Brown forest giraffes are considered endangered species and are native to Central Africa. It is likely that the newborn is a female, according to the information. The mother, the four-year-old Imani, came from the Cologne Zoo to Frankfurt in February and was already pregnant at the time.

"Okapis are reclusive, meaning they stay in hiding in their first few weeks of life. The nest, which is hidden behind a leafy canopy in the stall and is only visited by the young to drink from its mother," the zoo shared. However, the young one did not always follow these rules. It had already followed its mother into the enclosure and delighted the audience.

Okapis in Frankfurt Zoo for 70 years

The keeping and breeding of Okapis have a long tradition in the Frankfurt Zoo. According to the statements, Bernhard Grzimek, the famous former Frankfurt Zoo director and wildlife filmmaker, brought the first Okapi to Germany and to this zoo in 1954. In 1960, the first Okapi was born in Germany and at the Frankfurt Zoo. To date, 28 Okapis have been born in the Frankfurt Zoo. According to the current information, there are only 83 Okapis being held in European zoos.

Behavior of Okapis in their natural habitat is unknown; reliable population figures do not exist, as their habitat is one of the most inaccessible and dangerous places on earth. The region has been politically unstable for years and a constant scene of violent conflicts. "All signs indicate that the Okapi population has been declining continuously since the mid-1990s," it was stated. It is assumed that there are only a few thousand individuals left. Since 2013, the Okapi has been listed as "endangered" on the Red List of the World Nature Conservation Union IUCN.

  1. Imani, the Okapi mother from Cologne Zoo, currently resides in Frankfurt am Main's zoo.
  2. Despite being an endangered species native to Central Africa, Okapis have a long history in Frankfurt's zoo, with 28 births recorded to date.
  3. Should you ever visit Hesse, make sure to stop by Frankfurter Zoo to witness the Okapis, as they are also present in other European zoos like Cologne Zoo.
  4. The natural behavior and population count of Okapis in their habitat in Central Africa's dense forests remain elusive, making conservation efforts crucial for this reclusive species.

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