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Oh God, everything is getting more expensive!

Reiner Holznagel, President of the German Taxpayers Association, was among the experts. At the Consumer Dialogue, he said what consumers need to be prepared for in 2024.

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Taxpayer boss reveals what we can expect in 2024 - Oh God, everything is getting more expensive!

Expensive crisis and everything gets worse ...


Everything is getting more expensive

Citizens have 47 cents of every euro earned at their free disposal. The rest goes on taxes. And these will not decrease next year either. On the contrary.

► The sales tax for gas and district heating will increase from seven to 19 percent in 2024. The same applies to restaurants and cafés.

The temporary reduction in VAT to seven percent was intended to mitigate the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic. The deadline was extended to the end of 2023 due to inflation and rising energy prices. Now it's over.

For consumers, this means that coffee and dinner dates will be significantly more expensive again next year.

► In2024, the CO₂ pricewill be raised from 30 euros to 40 euros per tonne, and the higher toll for trucks was introduced a few days ago. A climate protection measure based on carbon dioxide emissions. Both are passed on by companies in full or in part to the end consumer prices.

This means that car drivers, tenants and homeowners will have to pay more for petrol, heating oil and gas. Food and clothing, for example, will also become more expensive.

Holznagel's objection: "Climate protection is not just about money, but about sensible, innovative planning."

►Watch out when shopping: The deposit surcharge of 0.25 euros for dairy products in disposable plastic drinks bottles and cans is coming.

If the milk is sold in plastic instead of in a Tetra Pak, it will cost the customer 25 cents more.

Additional contributions, premium increases and property tax hike

► The additional contribution for health insurance companies will rise from 1.6 to probably 1.7 percent, depending on the insurance company.

Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) recently assumed an increase in the supplementary contribution of 0.2 percent in 2024, while the statutory health insurance funds expected the increase to be twice as high.

The increase of just 0.1 percent is good news. However, it is to be expected that many health insurance companies will increase their contributions individually at the turn of the year.

► Substantial increase: The contribution assessment ceiling for health and long-term care insurance is also rising - to 5175 euros per month (previously 4987.50 euros). For pension and unemployment insurance, it will rise from €7300 to €7550 (in the West) and from €7100 to €7450 (in the East) per month.

The contribution assessment ceiling determines the amount of income up to which contributions to statutory health and long-term care insurance are deducted.

► The expert expects premium increases for car, household contents and buildings insurance, as well as private health insurance.

Building is therefore becoming increasingly expensive, and not just because of the high cost of materials and tradesmen.

► A reform of the property tax rate has been announced for 2025. This is used as a factor to determine the amount of property tax. Holznagel suspects that, depending on the municipality, there will be an increase in advance.

This will affect the amount of property tax that everyone has to pay. Regardless of whether they are owners or tenants. It is apportioned proportionately and is hidden in the ancillary costs.

"A disaster! Taxes must not be allowed to contribute to making housing more and more expensive," says Reiner Holznagel.

One last guess from the expert: the cost increase for residents' parking permits in other cities. In Kaiserslautern, for example, it is already clear that the permit will be increased from 30 to 200 euros per year from February 1, 2024. "The state is making our daily lives more expensive," says Holznagel.

Holznagel's conclusion: yes, Germany needs to make savings. "But instead of making the citizens pay, politicians must start with themselves. Every minister must also become an austerity minister."

Read also:

In the consumer dialog, concerns were raised about the increasing cost of health insurance.The additional contribution for health insurance companies is expected to rise, potentially leading to premium increases for consumers.For individuals with a contribution assessment ceiling of 5175 euros per month, this means an increase in health insurance contributions.As an advisor, it's important to help consumers navigate these cost changes and find ways to manage their health insurance expenses.



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