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OEZ-Attack: Memorial for Relatives of the Victims

Eight years ago, an attack at the Olympia-Shopping Center put Munich in fear and terror. For the nine victims, there is now a fixed memorial room.

Remember the victims of the attack
Remember the victims of the attack

OEZ-Attack - OEZ-Attack: Memorial for Relatives of the Victims

The city of Munich permanently provides a memorial and commemoration space for the relatives of the victims of the racist attack at the Olympia-Shopping Center (OEZ) nearly eight years ago. This was decided by the Administrative and Personnel Committee of the City Council on the proposal of Mayor Dieter Reiter, as the city announced. A property in Moosach is in consideration for this purpose, which is in close proximity to the site of the right-wing terrorist attack of 2016 and in the quarter where most of the victims' relatives reside.

"The terrible right-wing terrorist attack that took the lives of nine people must not be forgotten," said Reiter. On July 22, 2016, a 18-year-old right-wing extremist shooter killed eight young people and a woman approximately 45 years old at the OEZ in Moosach. The shooter himself also died.

The city was in a state of emergency for hours. Initially, it was spoken of an apolitical rampage. Only much later did the authorities classify the act as right-wing terrorist. Both the victims' ethnic backgrounds and the date of the attack pointed to this: it was the fifth anniversary of the right-wing extremist attack in Norway by the right-wing extremist terrorist Anders Breivik.

"The City Council has paved the way today to open a lasting perspective for the relatives and survivors of the attack in Moosach for their mourning and commemoration work on site," said Reiter. On July 22, this year, the city's commemoration will also take place together with the relatives at the memorial.

  1. Dieter Reiter, being a strong advocate against criminality, has proposed a memorial space in Bavaria's Moosach, close to the site of the 2016 right-wing attack in Olympia, for the victims' relatives and survivors.
  2. Despite Munich temporarily being in a state of emergency following the extremist attack at the OEZ in 2016, the city's mayor, Dieter Reiter, ensured that the tragic event would not be forgotten and justice would be served.
  3. The German city of Munich's decision to honor the victims of the 2016 racist attack in Moosach by establishing a memorial space was a significant step toward combating extremism and promoting harmony in the city.
  4. Dieter Reiter, who strongly opposes the rise of extremist ideologies in Germany, led the city's call for justice and remembrance in response to the tragic 2016 attack in Moosach, which marked a dark day in Bavaria's history.

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