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Number of Corona infections rising in Lower Saxony

For several weeks, more Covid-19 cases have been detected in laboratories. New variants are spreading between Harz and North Sea. What helps against infections?

Corona-infections are increasing in Lower Saxony.(Infographic)
Corona-infections are increasing in Lower Saxony.(Infographic)

Respiratory diseases - Number of Corona infections rising in Lower Saxony

In Lower Saxony, there are increasingly reported Corona infections. The Niedersächsisches Landesgesundheitsamt (NLGA) laboratory has identified the new so-called Flirt-variants KP.1, KP.2, and KP.3, according to a spokesperson's response to the German Press Agency (dpa).

These are variations of the already known Omikron variant. "The infectiousness is high, meaning these variants are easily transmissible," the spokesperson said.

The so-called Seven-Day Incidence in Lower Saxony rose in recent weeks from nearly 0 to 4.8. The incidence describes how many new infections per 100,000 inhabitants were reported in the past seven days. During the Corona pandemic, this value was crucial for assessing the infection situation.

Higher actual case count suspected

According to the Landesgesundheitsamt, the actual incidence could be several times higher, as only individual cases are tested and reported. There is currently no regional focus of the infection spread in Lower Saxony.

The Hausärztinnen- und Hausärzteverband Niedersachsen also reports that more people with respiratory infections are coming to their practices. Some of these illnesses are associated with disturbances of the sense of taste and a brief high fever, which points to Corona, according to the association chairman Matthias Berndt's statement to dpa.

Doctors recommend Corona vaccination for the elderly and sick

"We are also seeing repeated severe coughing fits and breathing restrictions among patients with chronic illnesses and asthmatics in Hannover," said a local doctor. "Therefore, the clear recommendation still stands that patients with pre-existing conditions and those over 60 years old should get a Corona booster shot in the fall."

The symptoms of the new Corona variants, according to the NLGA spokesperson, are the same as those known from the pandemic, such as cold symptoms, joint pain, and coughing. A definitive assessment of the severity of the illness after infection with these new variants is not yet available. The Tour de France currently has Corona cases, several professionals had to withdraw due to illness.

Other pathogens in circulation

Other pathogens like Rhino- or Enteroviruses, which could be the cause of a "summer flu," are currently being detected in the laboratory of the Landesgesundheitsamt.

NLGA President Fabian Feil said: "Anyone with cold symptoms should avoid contact with others and especially not attend events where many people come together closely." If contact with others cannot be avoided, a mask should be worn. Regular hand washing is essential for everyone.

High sick leave levels

According to KKH Kaufmannskrankenkasse statements, respiratory infections are a reason for the persistently high sick leave of employees. This rate was 6.7% for KKH-insured persons in Lower Saxony in the first half of 2024. Every day in the first six months of the year, 6.7% of employees were sick.

In the federal average, it was 6.5%, about a third of which were due to respiratory infections. In the first half of 2019 - before the Corona pandemic - the sick leave rate in Lower Saxony was still at 4.8%.

According to a KKH spokesperson, there are several reasons for the increased number of sick days due to respiratory infections. The sensitivity to the risk of infection from respiratory diseases may have increased since the Corona pandemic, possibly because fewer people were present at work due to this reason.

Sick notes for only a few days have been better recorded since the introduction of electronic sick notes. Previously, insurance companies had not been informed about all cases.

  1. Concerns about the spread of the Coronavirus disease in the North Sea region have been raised due to the rising number of reported cases in Lower Saxony.
  2. The German Press Agency reported that the Niedersächsisches Landesgesundheitsamt (NLGA) laboratory in Hannover identified new Coronavirus variants, KP.1, KP.2, and KP.3, within the Omikron variant family in Lower Saxony.
  3. Despite the increased testing and reporting of cases, the actual incidence of Coronavirus in Lower Saxony could be several times higher, according to the NLGA.
  4. Health officials in Lower Saxony, including the Hausärztinnen- und Hausärzteverband Niedersachsen, recommend Coronavirus vaccination for the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions in light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

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