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No judgment for illegal work in nature protection area

Two accused stand trial for dredging a Wildbach in Allgäu. Now the proceedings are being discontinued. This is due to a case note.

Two Alpmasters are sitting on the indictment bench at the Regional Court of Kempten due to the...
Two Alpmasters are sitting on the indictment bench at the Regional Court of Kempten due to the unlawful regulation of Rappenalpbach (archive image).

Environmental scandal in the Alps - No judgment for illegal work in nature protection area

The environmental proceedings against the Environmental Scandal in Rappenalptal in the Allgäu Alps come to an end without a verdict. The parties reached an agreement before the Landgericht Kempten to halt the proceedings against the two defendants. However, they must pay fines of 5,000 euros respectively 20,000 euros to charitable organizations and the state. Once the money has been paid, the case will be filed.

The defendants were responsible for two Alp associations, who had the approximately one and a half kilometer long, nature-protected Rappenalpbach dredged out about two years ago. With the unlawful intervention, they intended to prevent flood damages and prevent a new flooding of meadows. However, the associations were not authorized for these works on the water body. Such major construction works would not have been approved in any case.

The Landratsamt Oberallgäu played a questionable role in the illegal works: The authority granted certain works on the water body with an entry in the file, which the Alp farmers saw as permission for dredging and canalizing the creek. The ambiguous note of the district authority now leads to the termination.

  1. Despite the environmental scandal involving the Rappenalpbach, a nature reserve in the Alps, the court proceedings ended without a verdict due to an agreement between the parties in Kempten, Bavaria.
  2. The men responsible for two Alp associations, who illegally dredged out the Rappenalpbach, a one and a half kilometer long nature-protected creek in the Allgäu Alps, will pay fines.
  3. In a process in court, the two defendants, who intended to prevent flood damages and prevent the flooding of meadows by unlawfully intervening in the Rappenalpbach, will pay fines of 5,000 and 20,000 euros respectively to charitable organizations and the state.
  4. Criminality in the management of the Rappenalpbach environmental scandal in Rappenalptal, Alps, comes to light as the Landratsamt Oberallgäu played a questionable role in granting unauthorized works on the water body.
  5. The Alps, as a treasured part of Bavaria's nature, became a subject of a controversial environmental scandal, with the Rappenalpbach nature reserve being affected by the actions of two Alp associations.

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