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No decision on more money for police families

When police officers die on duty, their survivors receive a pension and a one-time compensation. However, the CDU says this is inadequate. The Interior Minister agrees, but makes no decision.

According to the CDU's will, survivors of police officers should receive a higher pension and...
According to the CDU's will, survivors of police officers should receive a higher pension and better one-time compensation if they die in service. An example would be the motorcycle policeman who died in an accident in Stuttgart.

compensation - No decision on more money for police families

The CDU will provide significantly better compensation to the survivors of slain police officers in Baden-Württemberg and has the support of the Baden-Württemberg Interior Minister, Thomas Strobl, in this matter. In comparison to other states, Baden-Württemberg grants the lowest compensations in the event of death. "We cannot be satisfied with this," states a letter from Minister Strobl to his party friend, CDU Landes- and fraction leader Manuel Hagel. The latter had previously demanded a doubling of claims for grandchildren, grandparents, and parents, as well as a significant increase for widows and children.

However, Strobl cannot make this decision himself. He has asked the responsible finance minister of Baden-Württemberg, Danyal Bayaz (Greens), for a favorable review, Strobl writes. Hagel announced that he will raise the survivors' benefits significantly in collaboration with the finance ministry.

Since the Second World War, according to the statements of the Baden-Württemberg Interior Ministry, more than 80 police officers and policewomen have died in Baden-Württemberg while on duty. The most recent police officer to die violently was in Mannheim in late May at the Maimarkt. The most recent fatal accident involving a motorcycle policeman in Stuttgart during the Football European Championship caused a stir.

Hagel criticizes low payments

According to the Land Beamens Pension Law, the survivors of deceased civil servants and employees, regardless of other payments such as pensions or funeral expenses, have a claim to a one-time compensation. Hagel's criticism: Baden-Württemberg pays the lowest amounts in the country in the event of death. Therefore, the claims for grandchildren and grandparents should be doubled to 20,000 Euro, and those for parents and non-entitled children to 40,000 Euro. Widows and entitled children should be granted 100,000 Euro, which is 40,000 Euro more than previously.

Currently, according to the Stuttgart Interior Ministry, a working group of the Federal and State Governments is dealing with this issue. The goal is to align the pension law nationwide.

  1. Thomas Strobl, the Baden-Württemberg Interior Minister, aligns with the CDU's plan to enhance compensation for the survivors of slain police officers in Baden-Württemberg, particularly criticizing the low compensation amounts in comparison to other states.
  2. Manuel Hagel, CDU's Landes- and fraction leader, has advocated for a substantial increase in compensation claims for grandchildren, grandparents, parents, and widows, as well as children, in light of the death case.
  3. Hagel and the finance ministry will collaborate to raise the survivors' benefits significantly in Baden-Württemberg, following Strobl's request for a favorable review from the responsible finance minister, Danyal Bayaz.
  4. The recent violent death of a police officer in Mannheim and a fatal motorcycle accident involving a police officer in Stuttgart during the Football European Championship have stirred conversations about the inadequate compensation paid to survivors in Baden-Württmberg.
  5. Hagel has argued that the Land Beamens Pension Law in Baden-Württemberg pays the lowest amounts in the country in the event of death, advocating for the doubling of compensation claims for grandchildren and grandparents to 20,000 Euro, parents and non-entitled children to 40,000 Euro, and a significant increase for widows and children, totaling 100,000 Euro.

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