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Nine suspects from right-wing group arrested

In early July, young people at a S-Bahn station in Berlin attack several others and two federal policemen. Arrests are now following. They are believed to be sympathizers of the far-right party Third Way.

During raids in Berlin, Brandenburg and Saxony, the police have temporarily arrested nine suspected...
During raids in Berlin, Brandenburg and Saxony, the police have temporarily arrested nine suspected members of the 'Nationalrevolutionary Youth'

Right-wing extremism - Nine suspects from right-wing group arrested

In raids against suspected supporters of the far-right party Dritter Way in Berlin, Brandenburg and Sachsen, ten apartments have been searched and nine suspects have been temporarily arrested, according to the police and the Berlin Prosecutor's Office.

Background is various acts of violence. On the one hand, it concerns an attack on several people on July 6 at S-Bahnhof Ostkreuz. According to official reports, two federal policemen intervened and were also attacked. Several people were injured and had to be treated. The initially unknown perpetrators were later identified, according to a statement. In addition, the suspects are accused of involvement in a robbery in January. A 20-year-old man was allegedly attacked and robbed politically motivated.

During the police operation with 130 officers, all suspects were reportedly located and measures were taken in Berlin, Brandenburg and Sachsen. Seized were mobile devices, digital storage media, clothing, a vehicle, as well as dangerous items such as stun guns, hammers, gloves and tasers. Propaganda material was also found.

However, no arrest warrants were requested, a spokesperson for the Berlin Prosecutor's Office said in response to a query. Instead, the suspects were to be released after the completion of police measures. The investigations are being led by the state criminal police, which is responsible for investigating political offenses.

  1. The raids against right-wing extremist groups in Berlin, Brandenburg, and Saxony by the police were not limited to these regions, as similar actions have also taken place in other parts of Germany.
  2. The Public Prosecutor's Office in Brandenburg is closely monitoring the developments related to right-wing extremism and criminality, as evidenced by their involvement in the recent raids.
  3. The suspects temporarily arrested during the raids are expected to face charges related to extremism and violence, as they have been accused of involvement in various acts of political aggression.
  4. The investigations into the suspected supporters of the Dritter Way will continue to be led by the state criminal police in Saxony, as they are the experts in handling cases related to political offenses and criminality.
  5. The authorities in Germany are taking serious actions against right-wing extremism, as demonstrated by the recent raids and arrests, in an effort to maintain public safety and uphold the rule of law.

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