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Music and arts schools complain about existential threats

The musical schools in Brandenburg can barely keep up in the competition for educators under current conditions. They call on the state for help.

The music and arts schools are financially reaching their limits.
The music and arts schools are financially reaching their limits.

Musical Education - Music and arts schools complain about existential threats

The arts and music schools in Brandenburg are facing existential threats and an actual crisis in musical education. There is a shortage of music and arts school pedagogues, a spokesperson for the Association of Music and Arts Schools stated. Many promising candidates are drifting towards general education schools where the salary is significantly better. Some municipalities have already supported the arts schools up to their financial limits. Now the land is being asked for help, the spokesperson added.

With a campaign to the Brandenburg State Government, one intends to fight for higher salaries, the quality in public education, and a sufficient financing of musical education, the spokesperson explained. "Children need Music, children need Art. Talents must be discovered, awakened, and developed."

Judgment poses problems for music schools

"We are aware of the problems of music and arts schools and they are absolutely understandable," a spokesperson for the Ministry of Culture replied. Above all, the so-called Herrenberg Judgment poses significant problems for institutions throughout Germany – "financially, structurally, and organizationally."

In the judgment of the Federal Social Court from 2022 (Az.: I ZR 107/22), the issue concerns the prevention of sham self-employment and the payment of social insurance contributions. The specific case involved a music school teacher in Herrenberg (Baden-Württemberg), who taught as a honorary employee in the rooms of the local Music School and was integrated into the school's operations.

The courts saw this as a case of sham self-employment. Many music schools employ honorary employees in this way. The judgment obliges all employers of music schools to employ teachers fundamentally social insurance contribution-subject. This burdens the financial scope of the schools.

Talks at the Federal level

"Political talks are currently ongoing at the federal level," the Ministry spokesperson said. As soon as results are available, they will be communicated. The significance of the institutions remains great: "The arts and music schools with their more than 30,000 female students and male students are among the most important actors in cultural education in our country."

  1. Despite the challenges, the Association of Music and Arts Schools in Potsdam continues to advocate for the importance of Music and Art, believing that every Child deserves access to these forms of Education.
  2. The Herrenberg Judgment, issued by the Federal Social Court in 2022, has added an extra layer of financial strain for Music schools, as it now requires teachers to be employed with social insurance contributions.
  3. In light of the existential threats faced by Music and Arts schools, many are turning to Art schools as a potential solution, as the salary offers are often more attractive in these institutions.
  4. The impact of the courts' decision on Music schools in Brandenburg and beyond is significant, as it could lead to a reevaluation of the employment structure within Music education institutions, potentially resulting in increased costs for the schools.

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