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Municipal election in Crailsheim must be repeated

In Crailsheim, the citizens are called to the ballot box again. The municipal election has been declared invalid.

The municipal election in Crailsheim must be repeated.
The municipal election in Crailsheim must be repeated.

Municipal election - Municipal election in Crailsheim must be repeated

The Municipal Council election in Crailsheim (District of Schwäbisch Hall) is invalid. It must be repeated, the Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart announced. The so-called unequal part-town election in Crailsheim did not meet the statutory requirements. Some part-towns in the Municipal Council election were under- or overrepresented. Now, the Municipal Council of this commune in the north-eastern part of Baden-Württemberg must order a new election. The council had last 43 members.

The "unequal part-town election" is the most complicated part of the communal election law in Baden-Württemberg. It has existed since the communal reform of 1972, when many small and micro-communities were incorporated into larger communes. It is intended to secure a reasonable number of representatives for the part-towns in the Municipal Council. The election is therefore called unequal, because the commune is not divided into mutually independent electoral districts.

According to the Regierungspräsidium, the examination of the communal elections of June 9 in the Stuttgart Administrative District is largely completed. It has already been able to declare valid the elections for the 35 large city districts and their affiliated settlements, ten districts, the two city districts Stuttgart and Heilbronn, and the Regional Assembly of the Stuttgart Region. Open are the election reviews of the Municipal Council election in Waiblingen, Böblingen, and the Kreistagswahl of the Rems-Murr-Kreis due to electoral complaints. In total, 52 electoral complaints were filed in the Stuttgart Administrative District, of which 42 procedures have already been completed.

Re-voting in Rastatt

There were also problems in Rastatt. Here, the voting in several districts had to be repeated. Approximately 1,000 people could not cast their votes on June 9 because they did not receive ballot papers despite having requested postal voting. According to the city, an external service provider did not send the election documents. Therefore, re-voting is required in the five districts of Plittersdorf, Niederbühl, Ottersdorf, Wintersdorf, and Rauental, decided the Regierungspräsidium. The elections for the district councils in these districts as well as parts of the Municipal Council and district council elections were invalid.

  1. The announcement for a repeat of the Municipal Council election in Crailsheim, due to its invalidity, was issued by the Government Presidium Stuttgart, which oversees the Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart.
  2. In Crailsheim, the 'unequal part-town election' did not meet the necessary statutory requirements, leading to under- or overrepresentation of some part-towns in the Municipal Council election.
  3. The upcoming Municipal election in Crailsheimer Kommune, located in the north-eastern part of Baden-Württemberg, will be a new opportunity for its 43 council members to be elected in accordance with the law.
  4. The Government Presidium in Stuttgart, a crucial aspect of the Baden-Württemberg Government, is responsible for ensuring the integrity of elections within its jurisdiction, including the recent communal elections on June 9.
  5. The unequal part-town election, a critical component of communal election law in Baden-Württemberg, was introduced during the 1972 communal reform to ensure fair representation for various part-towns in local councils.

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