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Munich's waterworks are delaying

For a long time, the introduction of Water cents caused controversy. And the debate continues: The cabinet decision is being delayed.

Water is a valuable good. And it could cost a little more in the future. But when will the...
Water is a valuable good. And it could cost a little more in the future. But when will the Watercent come? (Archivimage)

Coalition - Munich's waterworks are delaying

For years, the anticipated law for the introduction of a water cent in Bavaria is predicted to be delayed further. Environment Minister Thorsten Glauber (Free Voters) no longer expects a cabinet decision before the upcoming summer break, as reported by Mediengruppe Bayern (Thursday).

Glauber is not shaking up the plans themselves. "I am for the water cent. We must obtain and protect this valuable resource, groundwater, for future generations," Glauber stated in the interview. However, he did not want to give a new forecast on whether anything will happen this year. "The water cent is right and important. In the end, everyone must be behind the project," Glauber added.

Our goal is a water cent with a simple structure and minimal bureaucracy. The revenues should flow directly into the water infrastructure in Bavaria. The water cent will make a significant contribution to a secure water supply for the people. Water should not be a luxury good. The water cent can also contribute to this.

Glauber: Discussions are natural

There have been debates within the coalition regarding the design of the water cent. For Glauber, this is a normal occurrence. "When one embarks on such a large-scale project, discussions are inevitable," he said. We want to strengthen the most important life-sustaining resource for the Bavarian population long-term. Additionally, we need a secure water supply for our domestic economy and agriculture. Water is wealth. Therefore, it's essential that everyone contributes.

The so-called water cent already exists in 13 of the 16 federal states, in some cases for many years. Anyone who pumps water must pay a fee. The fee amount varies greatly from one state to another and can reach around 30 cents per cubic meter.

CSU and Free Voters agreed during the government formation at the end of 2023 to introduce a water cent in this legislative period. "We are against any form of privatization. To underscore the value of our drinking water and protect it even better, we are introducing a dedicated water cent. With the revenues, we will finance only water management projects and measures for effective water protection and sustainable water management", it states in the black-and-orange coalition contract.

  1. The anticipated water center in Bavaria, as advocated by Environment Minister Thorsten Glauber from the Free Voters party, will primarily direct its revenues towards improving the water infrastructure in Germany's Bavarian region.
  2. Despite the ongoing debates within the coalition regarding the design of the water center, Glauber emphasized the importance of the project for the long-term sustainability of water as a crucial resource for the Bavarian population, as well as for agriculture and the domestic economy.
  3. In his interview, Glauber equally emphasized the importance of the public's contribution to the water center, recognizing that water should not be considered a luxury good but a precious resource that needs to be protected and preserved for future generations.
  4. After agreeing to introduce a water center during the government formation at the end of 2023, the CSU and Free Voters have vowed to avoid any form of privatization and use the center's revenues solely for water management projects, effective water protection, and sustainable water management.

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