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Multiple bathing incidents in Saxony-Anhalt

During the heat, many people seek cooling in lakes - this led to several tragic accidents.

In the summer months, there are always swimming accidents.
In the summer months, there are always swimming accidents.

Notfalls - Multiple bathing incidents in Saxony-Anhalt

In Sachsen-Anhalt, there have been several serious swimming accidents in the past few days. In the Landkreis Jerichower Land, a 47-year-old man died during a swimming accident at the Plattensee in Dannigkow. According to a police spokesperson, the man felt chest pains while swimming and, initially, managed to get himself onto a swimming platform. Alarmed rescue services attempted to revive the man, but were unsuccessful. He died on the spot. The police have launched investigations into the cause of the accident. On the Saturday afternoon, a 21-year-old man was seriously injured during a swimming accident in the Hasse-See at Braunsbedra (Saalekreis). According to a police spokeswoman on Monday morning, the young man is still in critical condition. Details about the cause of the accident were initially unknown.

Approximately a week after two women had gotten into distress in the Geiseltalsee and one 67-year-old woman died on the spot, the second woman, aged 63, succumbed to her injuries. Following the accident in mid-July in the Saalekreis, the woman was first taken to the hospital by helicopter and treated there. The police were informed of her death on the Friday.

  1. Due to the recent string of serious swimming accidents in Sachsen-Anhalt, local authorities are urging residents and visitors to exercise extreme caution when swimming in the region's lakes and swimming areas.
  2. Ms. Schmidt, a resident of Saxony-Anhalt, shared her distressing experience of seeing a swimming accident at the Hasse-See last Saturday.
  3. The District of Plattsee in Saxony-Anhalt has seen an alarming increase in swimming accidents this summer, prompting the local authorities to deploy additional lifeguards and safety measures.
  4. According to the latest data from the District of Saalekreis, the number of swimming accidents in 2022 has already surpassed the annual average, highlighting the urgent need for improved water safety measures.
  5. The police in Saxony-Anhalt have announced plans to conduct a series of awareness campaigns to inform the public about the risks associated with swimming in open water and provide safety tips.
  6. Following the tragic swimming accident at the Geiseltalsee in mid-July, Accidents Insurance Association (Unfallkasse) has launched an investigation to determine the cause and assess potential liability.

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