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Motorcycle rider severely injured - A24 to Hamburg

A truck on the overtaking lane of A24 collided with a motorcyclist, pushing him off and causing heavy injuries. A24 towards Hamburg has been blocked.

On the A24, a motorbike rider was severely injured (Image)
On the A24, a motorbike rider was severely injured (Image)

Car accident on autobahn - Motorcycle rider severely injured - A24 to Hamburg

A motorcycle rider was seriously injured in an accident on the A24 motorway in the Ludwigslust-Parchim district. According to initial findings, the motorcycle rider was presumably pushed off his motorcycle by a truck driver who was trying to overtake another truck at Tessenow, as a police spokesperson stated. The autobahn was closed in the Hamburg direction around 6:30 am. Details about the accident sequence or the identity of the motorcycle rider were initially not available.

  1. The accident occurred in the Ludwigslust-Parchim District, which is part of the larger region of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.
  2. Despite the closure of the autobahn in the Hamburg direction due to the accident, traffic was affected in the wider region, including areas near cities like Hamburg.
  3. This unfortunate incident serves as a reminder of the importance of safe overtaking on the autobahn, particularly when sharing the road with motorcyclists.
  4. In light of the incident, authorities in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern are urging drivers to exercise extra caution to avoid similar accidents on the region's Autobahn network.

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