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More right-wing scenarios at schools - Minister: Intervention necessary

After a school alarm in Spreewald, there have been more right-wing extremist incidents in Brandenburg. Education Minister Freiberg has taken a clear stance on this.

Respond to right-wing extremist incidents: Brandenburg's Education Minister Steffen Freiberg...
Respond to right-wing extremist incidents: Brandenburg's Education Minister Steffen Freiberg (archive photo)

Right-wing extremism - More right-wing scenarios at schools - Minister: Intervention necessary

The number of right-wing extremist incidents at Brandenburg schools has significantly increased. In the first half of the 2023/24 school year, the school boards recorded 203 such reports. There were also 60 xenophobic, 25 antisemitic, and 21 other extremist incidents, according to the Education Ministry reported by the German Press Agency. Duplicates are possible. In the entire school year 2022/23, the school boards reported 70 right-wing extremist statements or actions, as well as 21 racially motivated, 7 antisemitic, and 4 other extremist incidents.

Education Minister Steffen Freiberg (SPD) calls for decisive action and offers support to schools. He also refers to already initiated measures. "Schools must intervene," said Freiberg. "There is no neutrality before the values of the Basic Law such as equality, freedom of opinion, and religious freedom. That's why we also changed the school law."

Schools must report incidents faster

Brandenburg schools must react more quickly to right-wing extremism, as a consequence of incidents at a school in Burg im Spreewald. Instances of glorifying National Socialism, as well as antisemitic or racist incidents, must be reported to the school administration immediately - this was not mandatory before.

A teacher and a teacher from Burg im Spreewald described in an anonymous open letter last year that they were confronted daily with right-wing extremism, sexism, and homophobia. They left the school after harassment from the far-right scene. The problems exist elsewhere: The school boards in Brandenburg reported more such cases after the letter.

Minister demands decisive action

"This is not something that can be discussed away," said the minister. "We have a climate in society that is very introspective, and that affects the schools as well. It's not something that will resolve itself." He sees greater sensitivity: "One must assume that very close attention will be paid," said Freiberg. "Every incident – regardless of its motivation - must be followed up, and consistent action must be taken. We are trying to offer schools support and consultation."

One of the first reactions to the situation in Burg, according to the minister's statements, was the continuation of the "Strong Teachers – Strong Students" project. In this project, teachers are trained in dealing with right-wing extremist, antisemitic, and racist convictions. "We have also been able to increase the funding for the support of projects in schools," said Freiberg. "We will not slacken in strengthening and developing schools as democratic places or protecting them from attacks from outside."

  1. The increase in right-wing extremist incidents at Brandenburg schools has led the BMBF to strengthen its support for the "Strong Teachers – Strong Students" project.
  2. Steffen Freiberg, the Education Minister from the SDP, has expressed concern over the rise of extremism in schools and emphasized the importance of swift reporting of incidents.
  3. According to Freiberg, incidents of right-wing extremism, antisemitism, and racism must be reported immediately at schools in Brandenburg, following incidents in Spreewald.
  4. The German Press Agency reported that in the first half of the 2023/24 school year, there were 203 right-wing extremist incidents, 60 xenophobic, 25 antisemitic, and 21 other extremist incidents in Brandenburg schools.
  5. The Minister of Education has emphasized that every incident in schools, regardless of motivation, should be followed up and consistent action taken to address extremism.
  6. Schools in Brandenburg have experienced an increase in reported cases of right-wing extremism, sexism, and homophobia following an anonymous open letter describing these issues at a school in Burg im Spreewald.

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