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More pronounced increase in criminality involving weapons in Berlin

They steal, deal illegally with drugs and even beat up: Berlin is known as a hotspot for criminal clan members. New data has emerged.

The police keep intervening in connection with the clan milieu
The police keep intervening in connection with the clan milieu

New situation picture - More pronounced increase in criminality involving weapons in Berlin

Recorded cases of so-called gang crime in Berlin have significantly increased. Last year, investigators counted 1,063 offenses in this context - nearly 200 cases more than the previous year. This is according to the new gang crime report of the Interior Administration.

Many of the offenses involved traffic violations, assault, theft, drug offenses, threats with weapons, and insults, as well as robbery and money laundering. Five murder cases were also among them (2022: 3).

According to the Interior Administration, 298 suspects were identified in connection with these offenses (2022: 303). The milieu of gang crime in Berlin is estimated to include 633 people (2022: 582). Among them are 37 women.

Gang crime is assigned offenses committed by members of - often Arab-descended - large families. Berlin is known nationwide as a hotspot for gang crime, which is often part of organized crime. For context: The crimes committed by clan members accounted for approximately 0.2% of the total crime in Berlin in 2023.

The term gang crime is controversial, as critics argue that it stigmatizes and discriminates against people with a migration background solely based on their family affiliation and origin.

The increase in recorded gang crimes in Berlin has been linked to an rise in drug-related offenses. The new statistics reveal that drug-related crimes accounted for a considerable portion of the 1,063 cases last year.

The images of criminality associated with these clanging sounds in Berlin's streets often paint a grim picture of the city's gang-related issues. The high number of assaults, robberies, and other violent crimes connected to gang crime contributes to this image.

The rise in gang crime in Germany, particularly in Berlin, has resulted in a surge in bodily harm cases. The Interior Administration's report reveals that many of the 1,063 offenses last year resulted in injuries or harm to individuals.

The German government has taken notice of the growing criminality in Berlin, with the emphasis on drug offenses and assaults. The intense focus on reducing criminality in the city has become a major priority for the police and local administration, as evidenced by the increased efforts and resources allocated to combating gang crime.

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