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More insults and threats against justice employees

Judges, public prosecutors, bailiffs, and watchmen are sometimes exposed to verbal attacks. How does the state of Saxony-Anhalt and the officials react to this?

Justice personnel from judges and prosecutors to bailiffs and watchmen are frequently insulted or...
Justice personnel from judges and prosecutors to bailiffs and watchmen are frequently insulted or threatened. Archival image

not only in tone captured - More insults and threats against justice employees

Insults, threats and verbal outbursts against employees of the Justice in Sachsen-Anhalt have increased in some areas. However, physical attacks still remain the exception in the region, according to the Justice Ministry in Magdeburg. "Employees of the Justice Sachsen-Anhalt report that the tone of communication with citizens and women has changed in some respects," the ministry stated. The general mood is described as being more agitated more frequently. There is no statistics available, according to the ministry.

"Employees of the Justice of the State Saxony-Anhalt are sensitized and trained," explained a ministry spokesperson. "The corresponding information and training opportunities are offered to employees of the Justice throughout the state."

Defamation and intimidation attempts

According to the ministry, it is known that, for example, Reichsbürger, self-administrators, and Corona deniers regularly express defamation and make intimidation attempts – also in written form – when their decisions do not suit them. This is particularly noticeable in cases where they make extensive written demands, which are usually rejected in writing. Recently, there have been an influx of emails and letters with defamatory statements in connection with publicly prominent proceedings.

The ministry also mentioned specific examples from the recent past. In a court in Saxony-Anhalt, a defendant insulted a police officer upon leaving the courtroom. In another court in the state, a judge was threatened in writing by a Reichsbürger after a decision was made in a legal aid proceedings.

House bans at the Prosecutor's Office

Since 2023, a total of eight house bans have been issued for the premises of the respective prosecutor's offices due to aggressive behavior by complainants or suspects during interrogations.

Bailiffs, who carry out the execution of arrest warrants or evictions, report a stricter tone. "We have noticed that it has significantly changed," said District Court Bailiff Daniela Merke from Köthen. She is the chairwoman of the Association of Bailiffs in the state. In June alone, there were two physical attacks on colleagues, both completely unexpected. In one case, the bailiff even suffered a wound. The situation is becoming increasingly tense.

Bailiffs work more closely with the police

The cooperation with the police is helpful for bailiffs. They can inquire whether the people they are evicting have previously come into contact with the criminal justice system. Often, the officers offer to come along, said Merke. Sometimes this creates an impression - but not always. Positively, the Senior District Court Bailiff highlighted that all bailiffs in Saxony-Anhalt are equipped with high-quality and well-fitting bulletproof vests. "Bailiffs in many other federal states are still asking for this."

  1. The increase in insults and threats toward justice employees in Saxony-Anhalt has led the Ministry of Justice to implement sensitivity and training programs for its staff to address Criminality.
  2. The Public Prosecutor's Office in Magdeburg has reported an influx of defamatory emails and letters linked to publicly prominent Coronavirus-related proceedings, posing a Threat to its employees.
  3. In response to the escalating situation, bailiffs in Saxony-Anhalt have begun collaborating more closely with the police to gather information about suspects' criminal histories, aiming to prevent Derailing of proceedings by potential threats.
  4. The rising tensions and increased aggression towards bailiffs in the region have prompted the call for the provision of bulletproof vests to all bailiffs in Saxony-Anhalt by the ministry, as a safety measure against future physical attacks.
  5. The Ministry of Justice in Magdeburg has observed a shift in communication tone with citizens and women in their dealings with Justice, mirroring a growing level of Criminality and disregard for Justice in society.

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