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More illnesses reported after tick bites

According to an expert's assessment, the mild winter could have led to more ticks this year. And they can cause unpleasant diseases.

It is important to remove ticks quickly (archive photo)
It is important to remove ticks quickly (archive photo)

FSME and Borreliosis - More illnesses reported after tick bites

The tick-borne diseases Borrelia and FSME are causing more problems in Thuringia than last year. As of July 16th, there have been 138 reported cases of Borrelia and 8 cases of Early Summer Meningoencephalitis (FSME) (source: Robert Koch Institute).

In the same period in 2023, there were reportedly 110 Borrelia and 5 FSME cases.

"The year 2024 is a tick-rich year. Caution is advised," said Birgit Dziuk, the managing director of Barmer Thuringia health insurance. The vacation and festival season is in full swing and people are spending a lot of time outside.

The relatively mild winter may have contributed to there being more ticks, according to Dziuk. It's important to remove ticks as soon as possible - this significantly reduces the infection risk.

FSME and Borrelia - what is that?

FSME is a disease caused by viruses that is transmitted by infected ticks. Symptoms range from a flu-like illness to inflammation of the brain, meninges, and spinal cord. In the 13 high-risk FSME areas in Thuringia, the Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) recommends preventive vaccination.

Borrelia is the most commonly tick-borne infectious disease in Germany. A characteristic symptom is a red ring around the bite site. Other symptoms include muscle and joint pain and fever. The infection is treated with antibiotics, but there is no preventative vaccine.

  1. The rise in Borrelia and FSME cases in Thuringia might be linked to the increase in tick population, as suggested by Birgit Dziuk from Barmer Thuringia health insurance.
  2. According to the Robert Koch Institute, as of July 16th, there have been 138 reported cases of Borreliaosis and 8 cases of Early Summer Meningoencephalitis in Thuringia, with Flea bite being an uncommon mode of transmission for Borrelia.
  3. The relatively high number of reported cases of Borrelia and FSME in Thuringia this year might necessitate an alert from the health authorities, similar to what RKI did for other disease outbreaks.
  4. Individuals visiting Erfurt during the vacation and festival season should be aware of the increased risk of tick-borne diseases like Borrelia and FSME, and take necessary precautions, such as regular self-checks for ticks and prompt removal.
  5. Flea bites, while less common, should not be dismissed as a potential source of Borrelia infection, as they too can carry the Borrelia bacteria and transmit the disease to humans.

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