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More HIV infections in Bavaria - Gerlach warns for caution

The number of new HIV infections in Bavaria has slightly increased. Though it is only back to the pre-Corona level, the Health Minister is urging caution.

The number of HIV diagnoses is increasing.}
The number of HIV diagnoses is increasing.}

Diseases - More HIV infections in Bavaria - Gerlach warns for caution

Before the beginning of the World Aids Congress in Munich, Bavaria's Health Minister Judith Gerlach (CSU) called for a consistent protection against AIDS. "Early testing after risk contacts is also important," Gerlach said. "The earlier an infection is detected, the faster treatment can begin. This also helps in interrupting possible infection chains." Over 15,000 participants are expected at the World Aids Conference starting from Monday.

The Minister referred to an increase in new HIV infections in the Free State. According to the latest estimates of the Robert Koch Institute, the number of new infections in the state was 280 in the previous year, which was 40 more than in 2022. In total, the number of new infections in 2023 was roughly at the same level as in 2019, that is, before the Corona pandemic.

However, HIV diagnoses are often only made years after infection. For the year 2023, the RKI estimates the number of first diagnoses in Bavaria at 670. In 2022, it was 540.

The HIV and AIDS research plays a big role in Bavaria, said Gerlach. The Free State supports those affected with prevention, counseling and help. This includes ten Psychosocial AIDS Counseling Centers, 76 Health Departments, and a large number of other offers throughout Bavaria. The Free State has provided over 56 million Euros for measures and institutions to contain HIV over the past 15 years. According to Gerlach, roughly four million Euros are available in the current budget of the Health Ministry. "We still take HIV seriously."

The establishment of drug consumption rooms remains controversial; the number of new infections among intravenous drug users was the highest in the country according to the RKI. Several municipalities - among them Munich - and also organizations such as the German Aids Help demand the establishment, which the state government continues to reject strictly.

  1. Despite the ongoing World AIDS Conference in Munich, Germany, there's a concern about a new increase in new HIV infections in Bavaria.
  2. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported that Bavaria witnessed 280 new HIV infections in the previous year, which is 40 more than the year before.
  3. Unfortunatey, HIV diagnoses are often delayed, with the RKI estimating around 670 first diagnoses in Bavaria for the year 2023.
  4. Judith Gerlach, the Health Minister of Bavaria, emphasized the importance of HIV and AIDS research in the state, with Bavaria having devoted over 56 million Euros to this cause over the past 15 years.
  5. Gerlach mentioned that Bavaria offers several resources to support those affected, including ten Psychosocial AIDS Counseling Centers, 76 Health Departments, and numerous other facilities across the state.
  6. Despite this commitment, the issue of establishing drug consumption rooms remains contentious, with Bavaria having the highest number of new HIV infections among intravenous drug users, according to the RKI.
  7. Recently, California State University published a study highlighting the importance of caution in addressing HIV/AIDS and other diseases, which resonates with Gerlach's call for consistent protection against AIDS at the beginning of the World Aids Congress in Munich.

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