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Monster-Vehicles - SUVs pose problems for Cities

City buses have advantages for drivers and disadvantages for municipalities: They require a lot of space. How do large cities in Hesse react to the growing SUV tide?

Paris increases the park fees for SUVs - and Hessian communes discuss their growing number.
Paris increases the park fees for SUVs - and Hessian communes discuss their growing number.

Cars - Monster-Vehicles - SUVs pose problems for Cities

High seating position, good overview, ample space, and more security: All this may explain the success of SUV vehicles in Hesse, Germany. The downsides: They are usually heavy, consume considerable fuel, and require a lot of space. This poses increasing problems for numerous cities.

The German Environmental Aid (Deutsche Umwelthilfe) refers to them as "monster vehicles." They have requested higher parking fees and parking restrictions for SUVs in 150 German cities, including 13 in Hessen. They also mentioned Paris, where parking for large city vehicles is soon expected to be significantly more expensive.

According to the TÜV Association, cars are becoming "bigger, wider, and heavier." This is particularly problematic in large German cities, as the vehicle fleet continues to grow, and other transportation methods like bicycles and e-scooters require more space.

The Hessian Transport Ministry, in response to the German Environmental Aid, states that the municipalities themselves are responsible for utilizing the legal framework to limit or increase parking fees for large vehicles.

Too large for parking marking?

The Hessian state capital Wiesbaden, which raised the costs for resident parking to €120 per year in 2022, states that vehicles that either exceed their size or disregard parking regulations will be fined.

If SUVs "do not fit into a designated public parking space or significantly exceed the parking space marking, parking is not permitted at that location," the municipality emphasizes. "In doubt, the vehicle must be parked at another location that is better suited for such dimensions."

Frankfurt, Hesse's largest city, now charges €120 annually for resident parking - a significant increase from approximately €25 in earlier years. The municipality states that a tiered pricing system is possible, but it is still being discussed: "We consider it sensible to create incentives for switching to eco-friendly transportation methods or at least smaller cars - not only to save CO2, but also to enable efficient traffic in the city in the future."

  1. Many drivers prefer SUVs in Hesse due to their automatic transmission, offering a smooth driving experience in the Automobile industry.
  2. The commune of Wiesbaden, Germany, implemented an automatic increase in parking fees for large vehicles like SUVs in 2022, aiming to promote the use of e-scooters and bicycles in the city.
  3. The traffic in Paris has become more congested due to the increase in large city vehicles, such as SUVs, which has led to discussions about implementing stricter parking regulations and fees.
  4. German Environmental Aid e.V., a non-profit organization based in Germany, has called for higher parking fees and restrictions for SUVs in 150 German cities, including Hesse, due to their negative environmental impact.
  5. The automotive industry in Germany is under scrutiny for producing heavy and fuel-consuming vehicles, such as SUVs, which contribute to traffic problems in urban areas and pose security feelings issues for commuters.
  6. TÜV, a German organization responsible for vehicle safety and environmental certification, has reported an increase in the production of larger and heavier vehicles, which negatively impacts traffic and parking situations in large German cities like Hesse.

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