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Ministers of the Magdeburg Diocese pilgrimage to Rome

A pilgrimage to Rome is a highlight for many Catholics. This year, many young altar servers from Saxony-Anhalt are traveling to Italy again. For a long time, that wasn't possible.

Pope Francis receives ministers from all over the world in Rome. For the first time since 2018,...
Pope Francis receives ministers from all over the world in Rome. For the first time since 2018, there is a ministers' pilgrimage again - with 175 participants from the Magdeburg Diocese.

Church - Ministers of the Magdeburg Diocese pilgrimage to Rome

For the first time since 2018, Ministrants from all over the world are embarking on an international pilgrimage to Rome. There are 175 people from the Diocese of Magdeburg taking part, as Julia Lehnert, the youth education representative of the Diocese, announced. Among the planned activities is a meeting with Pope Francis on St. Peter's Square.

The International Ministrant Federation CIM is inviting for the 13th time to the Roman pilgrimage. The last Ministrant pilgrimage before the Coronapandemic took place in the year 2018. It's about showing what it means to be Church together, said CIM President Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich from Luxembourg. A young and dynamic Church, where Ministrantines and Ministrants play a central role. The CIM expects around 50,000 people from Germany, Europe, and other countries to participate. According to the German Bishops' Conference, approximately 35,000 people from Germany will participate.

To the Diocese of Magdeburg belong, in addition to Sachsen-Anhalt, parts of the state Brandenburg and Saxony.

  1. Pope Francis is expected to meet with the 175 Ministrants from the Diocese of Magdeburg during their pilgrimage in Rome.
  2. The international pilgrimage in Rome, organized by the International Ministrant Federation CIM, is a chance for Ministrants and Ministrantines to demonstrate their role as a central part of a young and dynamic Church.
  3. The Diocese of Magdeburg extends beyond Saxony-Anhalt, also encompassing parts of the states Brandenburg and Saxony.
  4. The Roman pilgrimage, which is taking place for the 13th time, is a significant event in the religious calendar, attracting Ministrants and supporters from various countries, including Italy and Saxony-Anhalt.

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