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Ministerpresident Weil will remain in office until 2027

Niedersachsen's Governor Stephan Weil rejects rumors of an early transfer of office. He remains in the State Chancellery until the next state election, which would be a record.

When is the time? Ministerpresident Stephan Weil is not thinking about an early transfer of office...
When is the time? Ministerpresident Stephan Weil is not thinking about an early transfer of office at the moment.

Red-Green in Lower Saxony - Ministerpresident Weil will remain in office until 2027

Niedersachsen Minister-President Stephan Weil will, as announced, remain in office until the next state election, if his health permits. "That's unchanged the plan," said the SPD politician to the German Press Agency in Hannover. Before the 2022 election, Weil had declared that the current legislative period would be his last term. There have been rumors that he might transfer his office to a successor or successor early. The next election in Niedersachsen is expected to take place in the forecasted autumn of 2027.

Regarding the question of whether he, like Rhineland-Palatinate Minister-President Malu Dreyer (SPD), is considering an early transfer of power, Weil said: "Malu Dreyer is a role model in many ways. The way she has handled the enormous challenges in her office despite her illness has always earned me great respect. She is a colleague I will miss. As for retirement, everyone has their own way."

"I have enough to do right now"

Thoughts about the time after his work in the State Chancellery have not yet occurred to Weil. "I have enough to do right now. The work has been extremely intense this year so far. We are all working hard to ensure that Niedersachsen has a good perspective and strengthen our democracy." For the question of what comes next, this means "there's not much time for that right now."

As goals he wants to achieve in his likely remaining three years as head of government, Weil named making Niedersachsen the number one energy state in Germany, securing medical care on the land, and deregulation. "Citizens should experience the state administration as a partner in their concerns as much as possible."

Rural communities should benefit from the energy transition

An example of this is the expansion of renewable energies. "The energy transition offers many rural communities in the countryside the chance to become energy independent - and that pays off financially," said Weil. "We should make use of this opportunity." A success for him would be if this possibility had spread and many communities had taken advantage of it. "That's something different than if I were to cut a red ribbon somewhere for a lighthouse project," said the head of government.

The 65-year-old Weil has been in office since early 2013. If he stays in office for the entire electoral term, he would break the record of Ernst Albrecht (CDU) for the longest tenure of a Minister-President in Niedersachsen by several months. Albrecht governed from 1976 to 1990.

  1. Stephan Weil, the SPD politician and Minister-President of Lower Saxony, informed the German Press Agency in Hannover that he intends to serve as head of government until the next state election, as long as his health allows.
  2. In response to questions about early retirement like Rhineland-Palatinate Minister-President Malu Dreyer (SPD), Weil said everyone has their own approach, and while he respects Dreyer's leadership, he has not given such thoughts much consideration.
  3. During the current legislative period, Weil has numerous responsibilities to fulfill in Niedersachsen's State Chancellery, including ensuring a positive outlook for the state and strengthening its democracy.
  4. As goals for his likely remaining three years in office, Weil highlighted making Lower Saxony the leading energy state in Germany, securing medical care on the land, and deregulating the state administration.
  5. The Red-Green coalition, led by Stephan Weil, seeks to present rural communities with the opportunity to gain energy independence through the expansion of renewable energies, creating financial benefits and fostering self-reliance.

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