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Minister: Maybe Redmann deters traffic violators

Tipsy on an E-Scooter: CDU Chief Jan Redmann had to endure much criticism for his nightly misstep. The Transport Minister hopes that the incident will also have positive effects.}

Transport Minister Rainer Genilke views CDU colleague Jan Redmann's drunken driving...
Transport Minister Rainer Genilke views CDU colleague Jan Redmann's drunken driving critically.(Archival image)

CDU-Leading Candidate - Minister: Maybe Redmann deters traffic violators

Brandenburg's Transport Minister Rainer Genilke (CDU) hopes that the nighttime drunk driving incident of his party friend Jan Redmann will serve as a deterrent for potential traffic violators. "That's the good thing about such examples. That he also said again: 'Give it up! It doesn't work.' Alcohol and road traffic are 'difficult to reconcile'.

Two weeks ago, Redmann, the CDU's top candidate for the state election, was stopped by police while riding an E-scooter to his home in Potsdam with a breath alcohol level of 1.3 promille. A blood alcohol content of 1.1 promille or above is a criminal offense. Redmann informed the media about the incident twelve hours later and admitted his mistake.

A joint special session of the Interior and Legal Affairs Committees in the state parliament is scheduled for Wednesday. The main topic will be the police control and the question of whether the CDU-led ministries of Interior and Justice were involved and influenced the investigation process.

  1. Despite the CDU's top candidate for Brandenburg's state election, Jan Redmann, being caught riding an E-scooter under the influence of alcohol in Potsdam, he urged others to avoid mixing alcohol and road traffic.
  2. Minister Genilke, from Brandenburg's CDU, pointed out that Jan Redmann's nighttime drunk driving incident with an E-scooter in Potsdam could serve as a warning against traffic violations.
  3. In the aftermath of Jan Redmann's drunk driving incident involving an E-scooter and a subsequent breath alcohol level of 1.3 promille in Potsdam, there will be a joint special session in the state parliament to discuss police control and the potential involvement of CDU-led ministries in the investigation process.

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