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Milk industry tariftalks failed

The NGG union sees the wage negotiations in the Bavarian dairy industry as failed. Now, a mediator is to be appointed.

Milch: The union NGG demands higher wages for its processing.
Milch: The union NGG demands higher wages for its processing.

Settlement - Milk industry tariftalks failed

The NGG union views the wage negotiations in the Bavarian dairy industry as failed and has called for a mediator. They parted ways in the night before Tuesday without an outcome, said the regional head of the union, Mustafa Öz. "The wage negotiations for the approximately 19,000 employees in the Bavarian dairy industry have collapsed."

Öz placed the blame on the employers. They had only moved "in slow motion" during the 15-hour long talks, he said. Matthias Oettel, spokesperson for the employer side, criticized instead the "exorbitant" demands of the NGG, which would have overburdened the industry after an already high settlement in the previous year.

"The next step is now mediation," said Öz. The NGG has already called upon the President of the Labor Court Munich, Harald Wanhofer, as mediator. There will be no warning strikes until mediation, Öz emphasized. However, should mediation also fail, there will be "massive strikes in dairies and cheese factories throughout Bavaria. And that means noticeable production losses and empty shelves in supermarkets." Öz expects the mediation talks to take place at the beginning of August.

The NGG union is seeking mediation in tariff negotiations with the dairy industry employers in Bavaria, following the collapse of wage discussions. This decision comes after Matthias Oettel, a spokesperson for the employers, criticized the NGG's "exorbitant" demands, which could strain the industry after a highly settlement in the previous year. During the mediations, nourishment for workers should not be affected, as Öz emphasized there will be no warning strikes until the talks commence.

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