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Midyatli criticizes urban development funding cuts

If the share of the country for urban development grants were to disappear, the communes would face problems. SPD fraction leader Midyatli speaks of a particularly bad contribution to budget consolidation.

The future of urban planning is a topic in the state parliament. (Archive photo)
The future of urban planning is a topic in the state parliament. (Archive photo)

Finance policy - Midyatli criticizes urban development funding cuts

The SPD-Faction criticizes plans of the state government to eliminate the state share of Urban Development Funding. "We think that it is not a good way to save here", said Fraktion leader Serpil Midyatli in response to a motion from her faction. In this motion, the state government is urged to abandon the plans for budget savings. The background is the efforts of the black-green state government to limit the deficit in the state budget.

Midyatli reminded that funds for urban development, which until now have come from the Federal Government, the State, and the Communities in equal parts, at least triple the investments.

CDU-Faction leader Tobias Koch defended the plan by pointing out that the communes could still use the federal funds if they then make up the missing third of the state's share. It is better to cut here than to cut elsewhere where the savings cannot be compensated. The state cannot afford the 20 million Euros annually as it used to. Midyatli called Koch's proposal unsolidaristic.

The SPD's criticism of the state government's Finance policy involves the proposed elimination of the state's contribution to the State parliament's Urban Development Funding. This reduction plan, if implemented, would significantly impact Schleswig-Holstein's urban development and investment strategies. Serpil Midyatli, the SPD faction leader, argued that the SPD Party views this as an inappropriate method of saving funds.

Midyatli further emphasized the importance of the Urban Development Funding, highlighting that these funds, which have traditionally been divided equally among the Federal Government, the State, and the Communities, contribute to tripling the investments in urban development projects.

In response to Midyatli's criticism, CDU-Faction leader Tobias Koch suggested that communes could still access federal funds to cover the missing third of the state's share. Koch argued that it's better to make these cuts in Urban Development Funding rather than in other areas where savings cannot be compensated. However, Midyatli labeled Koch's proposal as unsolidaristic.

During the debate, Midyatli and Koch's parties presented contrasting views, with the SPD wanting to maintain the current funding structure while the CDU advocated for cuts in urban development finances to help the state government manage its budget deficit.

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