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Melsunger Qualifying-Match in European League ends

The Handball players of MT Melsungen hope for a full house against the top-club Elverum from Norway. This should help us progress internationally.

The MT Melsungen with trainer Roberto Garcia Parrondo had a difficult draw in the qualification for...
The MT Melsungen with trainer Roberto Garcia Parrondo had a difficult draw in the qualification for the European League.}

Handball - Melsunger Qualifying-Match in European League ends

The match in the qualification phase of the European League group stage between MT Melsungen and the Norwegian club Elverum Handball takes place on August 31st. This was announced by the handball Bundesligist. The check-in time at Rothenbachhalle Kassel is 6:30 PM.

The exact date for the return match in Scandinavia that weekend is still not known. The goal is Europe, the goal is group phase, as stated by the team. Therefore, MT-Sports board member Michael Allendorf appealed to the fans: "We need our fans as the eighth man. We need a full house."

Therefore, the MT is offering tickets cheaper than in the Bundesliga and only in two price groups. A single ticket in the highest category costs 20 Euro, children and adolescents aged 7 to 17 pay 10 Euro. In the second category, admission tickets cost 13 Euro or 8 Euro.

The ticket presale against the team trained by the former Norwegian national player and long-time Bundesliga professional Børge Lund has already begun.

  1. MT Melsenburg's Handball team, hailing from Hesse, Germany, has set their sights on advancing to the group phase of the European League.
  2. The Norwegian Handball team, Elverum, will be facing MT Melsungen in a qualification match, with the match set to take place in Kassel, Europe.
  3. The return match between MT Melsungen and Elverum in Scandinavia is yet to be scheduled during the same weekend.
  4. MT Melsungen's sports board member, Michael Allendorf, has urged fans to support their team during the European League qualification phase, stating that they need their fans as the 'eighth man' and a full house.
  5. Tickets for the qualification match between MT Melsungen and the Norwegian club Elverum in the group phase of the European League are now on sale, with discounted prices for children and adolescents, as well as two price categories for adults.

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