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Many offers in the MV nature for the World Ranger Day

In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, there are more than 105 Rangers in operation.They ensure that rules are followed in protected areas and advocate for consideration of nature among visitors.

Rangers ensure the protection of nature and advocate for active participation.
Rangers ensure the protection of nature and advocate for active participation.

nature protection - Many offers in the MV nature for the World Ranger Day

Biking through the reserve on a bicycle and hiking through Nature Protected Areas, Rangers in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern aim to sensitize people to their environment on World Ranger Day on July 31st. According to the Environment Ministry in Schwerin, Rangers provide information about their work and the protection of rare animal and plant species during tours through the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Flusslandschaft-Elbe and the Müritz National Park. Employees in the Nossentiner/Schwinzer Heide Nature Park invite to the Seeadler Hour and from Prerow, it goes to a hike through the Darßwald, which is part of the National Park Vorpommersche Boddenlandschaft.

According to Environment Minister Till Backhaus (SPD), there are 105 Ranger women and men in action in the 13 national nature landscapes in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. "They survey plants and animals, monitor populations, maintain meadows and other habitats, drain moors and much more," said the Minister. The work of the Rangers for the protection of the native nature and the preservation of biodiversity is not to be underestimated. Backhaus emphasized the work with children and youth. This includes the Junior Ranger Program, Nature Park Schools and –kindersgartens and in the summer months also Nature Camps.

According to the Ministry, there are three National Parks, three UNESCO-Biosphere Reserves, and seven Nature Parks among the national nature landscapes in MV. With a total area of 547,300 hectares, the protected areas take up almost 18 percent of the land area. The World Ranger Day was founded by the International Ranger Federation in 2007.

  1. Ranger tours in the National Park Vorpommersche Boddenlandschaft, located in Prerow, provide insights into the ecology and rare plant species protected within the Darßwald, a part of this National Park.
  2. Minister Backhaus highlighted the importance of the Junior Ranger Program and Nature Park Schools in MV, which contribute to educating children and youth about the environment and nature protection.
  3. Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, home to various protected areas, boasts three National Parks, three UNESCO-Biosphere Reserves, and seven Nature Parks, totaling an impressive 547,300 hectares.
  4. The Environment Ministry in Schwerin recognizes the significance of the work performed by Rangers in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, including monitoring animal populations, surveying plants, and maintaining habitats such as meadows.
  5. The BMU (Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety) emphasizes the importance of the work conducted by rangers in safeguarding native nature and preserving biodiversity.
  6. As part of World Ranger Day celebrations on July 31st, Rangers in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern encourage visitors to explore the striking landscapes of reserves like the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Flusslandschaft-Elbe and the Müritz National Park, fostering an appreciation for nature protection and ecology.

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