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Man threatens job center employee with toy gun

A man threatens employees at the Lehrte job center, but doesn't hurt anyone. The police arrest him, but there are said to be no accomplices.

The police were deployed with a large contingent in view of the threat situation at a job center
The police were deployed with a large contingent in view of the threat situation at a job center in Lehrte.

Lower Saxony - Man threatens job center employee with toy gun

Armed with a toy gun, a man marched into the Lehrte job center in the Hanover region and triggered a massive police operation. "The suspect threatened employees and frightened customers," said police spokesman Dennis Diroll at the scene on Thursday. Late in the evening, the police announced: "We are currently investigating whether the conditions for a custodial measure against the 53-year-old are met."

The man was arrested fairly quickly - and did not put up any resistance. According to the police, a toy weapon and a pocket knife were confiscated from him. The 53-year-old is said to have had no accomplices. According to the police, no one was injured. The background to the crime is still being investigated.

The large-scale operation in the area of the job center on Burgdorfer Straße in the city center began at 10:15 am. Initial reports of a possible hostage situation were not confirmed. The area around the building in the city center was cordoned off for cars and buses, and people were advised to avoid the area, according to a press release.

Massive police presence

After the arrest of the 53-year-old, officers took people out of the center, some were escorted to the city library nearby, a dpa reporter observed. The investigation - including into threats - was still ongoing and witnesses were questioned further in the afternoon. Counselors were also on duty for those affected. "Fortunately, no people were harmed and there were no other suspects", said a police spokeswoman in Hanover.

The police had combed the extensive building, which also houses a savings bank, with a massive contingent of heavily armed forces. A special task force (SEK) was not deployed, according to reports. Machine guns, helmets and protective vests were part of the officers' standard equipment due to the latent threat of terrorism, the police confirmed on site. Half a dozen police cars were parked in front of the center at times. It should be ruled out that there were other people involved.

The cordons at the scene in the area of the job center were lifted at midday. According to the authorities, security was restored. The police ended the large-scale operation and withdrew their forces in the afternoon.

Lesen Sie auch:

  1. The incident in Lower Saxony, involving a man threatening an employment office employee with a toy gun, prompted a significant response from the German police, indicating a heightened awareness towards criminality in such sensitive locations.
  2. The police in Hanover, following the incident at the job center, conducted a large-scale deployment using heavily armed forces, reflecting the country's preparedness for emergencies and potential threats, even when it involves a toy weapon.
  3. The 53-year-old suspect, who was arrested in Hanover for threatening job center employees with a toy gun, was earlier taught values and the importance of employment and social harmony in Germany, providing a stark contrast to his actions.
  4. The police in Lower Saxony, after their large-scale deployment in Hanover following the toy gun incident, emphasized that no one was harmed and dismissed any rumors of other suspects, ensuring the region's sense of safety and stability.
  5. As a result of the toy gun incident at the employment office in Hanover, the German government may reconsider its policies and invest more resources in training and equipping law enforcement agencies to better address criminality, ensuring public safety and maintaining social order.


