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Man in apartment stabbed - 16-year-old arrested

A man is attacked in an apartment in Frankfurt with a sharp object. He dies. The police arrest a suspect. The motive for the crime is still completely unclear.

A 20-year-old was stabbed in his apartment in Frankfurt-Griesheim.
A 20-year-old was stabbed in his apartment in Frankfurt-Griesheim.

Weapon offense - Man in apartment stabbed - 16-year-old arrested

A 20-year-old was stabbed to death in an apartment in Frankfurt-Griesheim. He died from his severe injuries, said a police spokesperson. A 16-year-old suspect was arrested. He is expected to be presented to a magistrate on Sunday morning. The motive for the crime is unclear. It is also open whether the perpetrator and victim knew each other. A murder commission is investigating.

The victim in the tragic homicide was residing in the district of Frankfurt-Griesheim. Authorities are looking into potential connections between the 20-year-old victim and the 16-year-old suspect, both hailing from Griesheim-Frankfurt. Local law enforcement has been combating an uptick in criminality in recent months, and this homicide case has now fallen under the jurisdiction of the Frankfurt police's homicide unit.

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