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Mainz University Medicine should not incur any losses

For years, the Mainz University Medicine has been in the red figures, the country needs to compensate millions. It is meant to be over in a few years.

The University Hospital has been incurring heavy losses for years, the supervisory board intends to...
The University Hospital has been incurring heavy losses for years, the supervisory board intends to put an end to this at least (archive image).

University Medicine Mainz - Mainz University Medicine should not incur any losses

For years with millions in losses, the University Medical Center Mainz is expected to work in the black soon. The supervisory board has asked the management board to come up with a concept by the end of the year to reduce the deficit to zero within five years, said Rhineland-Palatinate Health Minister Clemens Hoch (SPD), who chairs the supervisory board, to the German Press Agency in Mainz.

The difficult financial situation of the University Medical Center is understandable in many places, said Hoch. All university clinics in Germany were in deficit last year, but the loss was not as large elsewhere as in Mainz. "It cannot be that a medical institution is financed by the state with an additional 100 million euros," said Hoch, looking at the loss in the previous year. "We provided the University Medical Center with around two million euros every week last year to maintain patient care."

Hoch: "That's a ridiculous thick board"

Given such figures, internal challenges must now be addressed systematically, said the minister. They were also in agreement with the newly appointed management board. "I am very pleased with how the management board has taken up the work. That's a ridiculous thick board," said Hoch. "In my opinion, everyone is pulling in the same direction. However, the way will still be hard, stony, and long."

More flexibility and a more efficient personnel placement for important positions is expected to bring a new University Medical Law in the future. This was recently introduced in the state parliament. Hoch said he hoped that the novella would still come into force before the end of the year. In addition, some personnel appointments were pending. For example, a new scientific director should then be found according to the new regulations, but first, a successor for the nursing director Marion Hahn had to be found.

Hoch expressed his pleasure with the new management board at University Medicine Mainz, calling their approach "ridiculously thick," indicating their determination. He also highlighted the need for internal changes, such as more flexibility and efficient personnel placement, to reduce losses. The minister mentioned the introduction of a new University Medical Law in the state parliament, hoping for its implementation before the year's end. Additionally, they were in the process of finding a new nursing director and a new scientific director once the appropriate successors were identified.

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