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Magdeburg securing old fortification walls

The historical fortification at Magdeburger Ring is secured. A special procedure is used to significantly reduce the construction time.

The city administration is securing old fortification walls under the Magdeburger Ring.
The city administration is securing old fortification walls under the Magdeburger Ring.

History - Magdeburg securing old fortification walls

After the discovery of a former fortification structure under the road on Magdeburger Ring, it will be secured in the next two months. In order to enable the preservation of the historical walls, the area will be covered with a special building material, the city announced. Previous consultations with the State Monument Preservation and Archaeology Office and the Lower Monument Protection Authority had taken place.

Initially, it was planned to secure the remains of the former fortification Anlage Ravelin III with a steel concrete plate on pile drivers. This variant would have cost approximately 500,000 Euros according to the city's statements and later regular follow-up costs for building inspections.

"The now planned securing procedure is significantly cheaper than the originally planned variant with steel concrete plate and pile drivers," said Jörg Rehbau, the city's deputy for urban development, building and traffic. The building material for the planned covering has low pressure resistance and can still be removed by hand after several decades.

"The state capital is thus securing the remains of the fortification and saving roughly 400,000 Euros in the process." In addition, there will be a shorter construction time, resulting in significantly shorter traffic restrictions at the ring exit to the Bundesstraße 1 towards Universitätsplatz.

The historical fortification Anlage Ravelin III, located in Saxony-Anhalt, is not only being preserved but also provides an opportunity for cost savings. Instead of the initial plan of using a steel concrete plate and pile drivers, the city is opting for a less expensive method, utilizing a special building material with low pressure resistance.

In light of these changes, the municipalities in the area can anticipate a more budget-friendly approach to historic preservation on the Magdeburger Ring, with potential future benefits in terms of roadway maintenance and construction schedules.

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