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Lower Saxony for harsher penalties for automatic igniters

Lower Saxony recorded recent successes in the fight against ATM bombers. New plans of the federal government could provide additional help.

Lower Saxony's Interior Minister Daniela Behrens (SPD) considers the actions of ATM bombers...
Lower Saxony's Interior Minister Daniela Behrens (SPD) considers the actions of ATM bombers shameful and reckless (archive image).

Federal government plans - Lower Saxony for harsher penalties for automatic igniters

Hannover (dpa/lni) -Lower Saxony supports plans of the Federal Government for tougher penalties for ATM bombers. "I welcome the draft bill presented by Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) and Federal Justice Minister Marco Buschmann (FDP)" said Lower Saxony's Interior Minister Daniela Behrens (SPD) to the "Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland" (RND, Tuesday). The plans call for a minimum sentence of at least two years in prison for perpetrators, as well as under certain conditions a minimum sentence of five to 15 years.

The draft bill of Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) and Federal Justice Minister Marco Buschmann (FDP) also includes easier telephone surveillance of perpetrators.

"Criminals are going increasingly ruthless and thoughtless, putting the safety of bystanders at great risk," said Lower Saxony's Justice Minister Kathrin Wahlmann (SPD) to RND-Newspapers. Higher penalties could make a decisive contribution to effectively deterring criminals.

Nationwide, ATM bombings reached a new record high in 2022 according to the Bundesinnenministerium. In Lower Saxony, the numbers had previously decreased. This is also due to the "excellent work of our focus prosecutor's office in Osnabrück," said Wahlmann.

Daniela Behrens, the Interior Minister of Lower Saxony and a member of the SPD, expressed her support for the draft bill presented by Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser and Federal Justice Minister Marco Buschmann, both from the SPD and FDP respectively. This bill aims to impose tougher penalties for ATM bombers in Germany, including a minimum sentence of at least two years in prison and potential minimum sentences of five to 15 years under certain conditions.

The Federal Government's plans to combat criminality also involve easier telephone surveillance of perpetrators, as outlined in the draft bill.

Daniela Behrens' counterpart in the Justice Ministry of Lower Saxony, Kathrin Wahlmann, also a member of the SPD, emphasized the increasing ruthlessness and thoughtlessness of criminals in ATM bombings, putting bystanders at great risk. She believes that higher penalties could significantly deter such criminals.

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