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Location found fornew Augsburg University Hospital

The youngest medical faculty in Bavaria is getting a new clinic. After the renovation of the previous building was abandoned, a construction site was found now.

A sign points to the main entrance of the University Hospital Augsburg. The run-down hospital is...
A sign points to the main entrance of the University Hospital Augsburg. The run-down hospital is now planned to be built anew on an adjoining area.

Medical-Mega-Project - Location found fornew Augsburg University Hospital

For the planned new construction of the Augsburg University Clinic, there is now a specific location. The city, the free state, the district of Swabia, and the clinic administration have agreed that the new clinic should be built on a free plot of land in the west of the current hospital, as reported by the Bavarian Ministry of Science in Munich. Detailed planning is now set to begin.

The Augsburg hospital is the youngest university clinic in the free state. Bavaria took over the formerly municipal hospital officially in 2019. In the hospital's surroundings, a campus for the new medical faculty of the University of Augsburg is currently being built, and the establishment of the faculty already costs a billion euros.

The clinic comprises 23 individual clinics and three institutes. Approximately 7,400 employees, of whom more than 1,100 are doctors and doctors' assistants, and about 2,900 nurses, take care of the patients. However, the building complex of the main building is more than 40 years old and in need of a comprehensive renovation.

Last year, the Bavarian cabinet decided that there should be no renovation of the clinic, but a new building. A general renovation in operation would have presumably lasted up to 30 years. "That's too long for us, it will be too expensive," Minister President Markus Soeder (CSU) said at the time.

  1. The agreed location for the new build of the Augsburg University Clinic is in the west of the current hospital, a vast and free plot of land in Swabia, a district in Bavaria.
  2. The Swabians, known for their rich culture and traditions, are eagerly looking forward to the advancements in Health that the new University Clinic will bring to their region.
  3. The new build of the Augsburg University Clinic will be a significant research hub, contributing to medical advancements and benefiting the entire community of Bavaria.
  4. Despite the vast campus being constructed for the new medical faculty of the University of Augsburg nearby, the existing University Hospital in Augsburg will also undergo a new build, ensuring modern medical facilities for residents.
  5. The planned new build of the Augsburg University Clinic will undoubtedly surpass the current hospital, contributing to Munich's reputation as a leading center for innovation and medical excellence in Swabia and throughout Bavaria.
  6. The Swabians are grateful for the determined decision of Bavarian cabinet members, including the strong-willed Minister President Markus Soeder, to invest in a new clinic in place of a potentially lengthy and expensive renovation.

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