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Library gets back a book that is 100 years overdue

Intact and with a math puzzle

"Famous Composers vol. 2" by Nathan Haskell Dole will probably not be brought back
"Famous Composers vol. 2" by Nathan Haskell Dole will probably not be brought back into

Library gets back a book that is 100 years overdue

It happens from time to time that a borrowed book doesn't find its way back to the library. But it is rather rare for it to be returned more than 100 years late. This has now happened in Saint Paul. And the library staff have a puzzle to solve.

A library in Saint Paul in the US state of Minnesota has experienced a little surprise: a book has been returned after more than 100 years. The daughter of the woman who had borrowed it found it when she was sorting out her mother's things, the library reported on X. She then sent it to the Saint Paul Public Library through a state library system, city library director Maureen Hartman told CNN.

The book is the 1902 edition of "Famous Composers vol. 2" by Nathan Haskell Dole. In it, the author describes the lives and works of several prominent composers from the Baroque to the Romantic period, including Bach, Mozart, Beethoven and Chopin.

The book, which has now been returned, is intact and is held together by its original binding. There are library stamps, individual pencil annotations and some stains on the worn pages, as can be seen in photos posted by the library on X.

Because of its fragile condition, the library believes the book should not be recirculated, Hartman said. Instead, it could be displayed in a display case in the Saint Paul Collection, which documents parts of the city's history.

The copy now returned was probably only on the shelves of the Saint Paul library for a short time, as could be determined from dated stamps and the pocket card. According to the loan slip, the book was borrowed several times, probably for the last time in 1919, and has not been returned since.

360 US dollars in late fees?

The book, more than 100 years overdue, also caught the attention of Melvin Carter. The mayor of Saint Paul made fun of a possible fine on X. A hundred years ago, the usual cost for a book returned late would have been a penny a day. According to Carter, this would mean that a total of 360 US dollars would have been due for the Dole book by now. But the borrower's daughter need not worry: since 2019, libraries in Minnesota no longer charge late fees.

There is also a little mystery in the book: according to the library, the pocket card has a math problem on it, 1928 minus 1791. The library staff speculate that the equation may have been used to find out how old the composer Giacomo Meyerbeer, who was born in 1791, would have been in 1928.

What is really behind the math problem? And why was the book not returned for over 100 years? Both questions are probably among those to which no answers can be found even in a library: "We may never know."


