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Letter from fugitive murderer? LKA examines letter

At the end of October, a convicted murderer escaped on a guarded excursion. He has still not been recaptured. Now a letter from him is said to have surfaced.

The escaped murderer had cracked his electronic anklet after his escape (symbolic image)
The escaped murderer had cracked his electronic anklet after his escape (symbolic image)

Letter from fugitive murderer? LKA examines letter

In the case of the convicted murderer who escaped at the end of October, the Baden-Württemberg State Criminal Police Office is investigating an alleged letter from him. "We are examining a letter," said an LKA spokeswoman when asked. She did not elaborate on the content. The "Badische Neueste Nachrichten" previously reported on the letter to a former fellow inmate.

In the letter obtained by the newspaper, the fugitive murderer is said to have complained about prison conditions in Bruchsal Prison. There is talk of alleged mistreatment. The violent criminal also complained that the non-smoker protection law in the prison was "not observed and implemented in any way".

The German-Kazakh prisoner escaped from Bruchsal Prison on October 30 during a guarded excursion to a quarry pond in Germersheim, Rhineland-Palatinate. It was his eighth escape in the company of his wife and children. In 2012, he was sentenced to life imprisonment by the Karlsruhe Regional Court for strangling a 44-year-old man. He is still wanted throughout Europe.

So far, the authorities have made little comment on the circumstances of the escape and possible mistakes during the escorted exit. Justice Minister Marion Gentges also kept a very low profile during government questioning in the state parliament - "for tactical investigative reasons". Among other things, it is known that the man cracked his electronic anklet with the help of a tool after his escape from the lake.


