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Leipzig/Halle Airport and DHL sign new contract

A new contract with DHL should financially strengthen Leipzig/Halle airport. however, there are concerns regarding transparency and noise protection.

According to reports, DHL is supposed to pay more for using the area than before.
According to reports, DHL is supposed to pay more for using the area than before.

Freight Center - Leipzig/Halle Airport and DHL sign new contract

MFAG and DHL are currently negotiating a new contract for the cargo center at Leipzig/Halle Airport. MFAG spokesperson Uwe Schuhart confirmed that MFAG, represented by its board, is holding talks with DHL. The exact contract or negotiation topics were not disclosed by the corporation.

LVZ: Contract extended until 2053

According to a report by the "Leipziger Volkszeitung" (LVZ), the existing partnership will be extended until the year 2053. Financing ministers of Saxony, Hartmut Vorjohann (both CDU), and Sachsen-Anhalt, Michael Richter, were reportedly informed about the agreement in the fundamental issues on Monday. Final contract details are expected to be clarified in the next two weeks.

The report states that MFAG was able to secure improved contract conditions in the talks. The airport operator will reportedly receive significantly more money than before. Flight fees for the logistics company DHL are said to have significantly increased. "The airport company is said to earn a sum in the two-digit million range per year from this," it was further stated. The current contract is said to still be valid until 2038.

The planned airport expansion is also reportedly being pushed forward to meet the needs of DHL. Approximately 100 parking spaces for cargo planes are planned instead of the current 60.

Böhme, the transport policy spokesperson for the Left, criticized the procedure as "highly transparent." "It cannot be that such far-reaching contracts are closed behind the backs of the parliament." The state government must explain itself to the parliament about this.

Böhme found the alleged improved contract conditions for the airport positive. "It would be a step in the right direction if the landing fees for logistics conglomerates like DHL were significantly increased in reality." Besides fighting mismanagement, this could significantly improve the financial situation of the state-owned MFAG. However, Böhme also expressed concerns about a "messy package." "The central question is whether there are significant wage increases and a night flight ban for ultra-loud planes."

Green transport policy spokesperson Gerhard Liebscher also expressed similar concerns. "The new contract between the Mitteldeutsche Flughafen AG and DHL should be used to negotiate an improvement in noise and health protection without fail." This would increase acceptance and contribute to sustainable development of the airport.

There is currently a contentious night flight permit for cargo planes at the airport.

  1. The Leipziger Volkszeitung (LVZ) reported that German Post AG's partner, MFAG, is set to extend its partnership at Leipzig/Halle Airport until 2053.
  2. Spokesperson Uwe Schuhart from MFAG confirmed negotiations with DHL but declined to disclose the contract details.
  3. The report also suggested that MFAG was able to secure improved contract conditions, including a significant increase in flight fees for DHL.
  4. Consequently, Saxony-Anhalt's financing minister, Michael Richter, and Saxony's Hartmut Vorjohann (both from the CDU) were briefed on the agreement's fundamentals.
  5. The planned airport expansion includes the addition of approximately 100 parking spaces for cargo planes to accommodate DHL's needs.
  6. The Green transport policy spokesperson, Gerhard Liebscher, emphasized the necessity of negotiating improvements in noise and health protection within the new contract between MFAG and DHL.

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