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Lauterbach calls for corona vaccination before Christmas

Corona is not a harmless flu: the Federal Minister of Health calls on risk groups to be vaccinated.

Health Minister Karl Lauterbach recalls the coronavirus vaccination.
Health Minister Karl Lauterbach recalls the coronavirus vaccination.

Health - Lauterbach calls for corona vaccination before Christmas

Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach has called on people with risk factors to get vaccinated in view of the higher coronavirus infection figures. The infection is not a cold, said the SPD politician in Berlin. If you get vaccinated now, this is "the optimal time" for a full effect until Christmas, he explained with a view to older people aged 60 and over and the chronically ill. It is very disappointing that so far only three million people have had vaccinations with new preparations that are adapted to current coronavirus variants.

Lauterbach made it clear that a wave of infections can be identified from calculations based on available data. This is likely to correspond to an incidence of 1700 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days, he said after a round table on longer-lasting impairments after corona infections. The President of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), Lars Schaade, explained that this level has a different meaning than during the pandemic in view of the higher basic immunity due to vaccinations and infections.

Read also:

  1. Given the rising Covid-19 infection rates, German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach strongly advocates vaccination for individuals belonging to the risk group before the approaching Christmas.
  2. Lauterbach, a prominent SPD politician, highlighted that Covid-19 is not a common cold, emphasizing the importance of vaccination in Berlin.
  3. For people aged 60 and over, as well as those with chronic illnesses, vaccination now is considered the best way to ensure full efficacy until Christmas, according to Lauterbach's analysis.
  4. Regrettably, only three million people have undergone vaccinations with the latest preparations tailored to current Covid-19 variants, as highlighted by Lauterbach during a round table discussion on post-corona infection complications.
  5. Utilizing data and calculations, Lauterbach predicted a potential surge in coronavirus infections, approximating an incidence of 1700 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days.
  6. acknowledging the higher baseline immunity due to vaccinations and infections, the President of the Robert Koch Institute, Lars Schaade, noted that the significance of this incidence level is different from the pandemic's early stages.




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