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Last school day before summer holidays in MV

Anticipation should be great. In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, students begin their summer vacations. At the start of the holidays, nice weather at home invites to beach outings.

Six weeks of school vacation. For approximately 162,000 pupils in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the...
Six weeks of school vacation. For approximately 162,000 pupils in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the summer holidays begin on 22.07.2024.

Start in summer holidays - Last school day before summer holidays in MV

With the certificate handover coming to an end on a Friday for approximately 161,700 girls and boys at the general education schools in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the six-week summer holidays can begin. They can look forward to a sunny weekend in their home region after the often rainy weather of late.

Education Minister Simone Oldenburg (Left) congratulated the students on their certificates, but at the same time referred them to the certificate support hotline. There, students and guardians could find support, advice, and help if their grades were not as expected as hoped.

According to the Minister, around 5,300 girls and boys passed their exams for the Intermediate Certificate, 120 of whom achieved the distinction "with distinction." About 4,800 students successfully completed their Abitur. For 169 Abitur students, the average grade was 1.0.

Oldenburg wished students, their families, and school staff a relaxing summer and took the end of the school year as an opportunity to express respect and thanks to the teachers. With their dedicated work, they had ensured a varied teaching and had gone beyond the call of duty to reduce the number of teaching absences. Due to the shortage of teaching staff, positions remained unfilled. In addition, the teacher pool was affected by infection waves. The personnel situation at the schools in the state was a topic of controversial debates in the previous school year.

After the exciting end of the school year, Simone Oldenburg encourages everyone to enjoy the upcoming weekend, promising a sunny break in Schwerin, their home region. During the summer vacation, the schools in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern will be closed for a full six weeks, offering students a well-deserved break from School day routines and educational activities. Despite the successful completion of certificates and exams, some students may need additional support, which they can find at the certificate support hotline.

These sentences contain: ['weekend', 'School day', 'Education', 'Schwerin', 'Simone Oldenburg', 'Mecklenburg-Vorpommern', 'summer vacation', 'school', 'leisure']

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