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Last generation sprays fir trees with orange paint

First the Brandenburg Gate, then the World Time Clock, now the Last Generation is targeting the symbol of the Christmas season: Christmas trees in several German cities are now glowing orange.

Christmas tree in orange: A member of the "Last Generation" protest group sprays a Christmas
Christmas tree in orange: A member of the "Last Generation" protest group sprays a Christmas tree in Leipzig's Mädler

"Don't forget climate change" - Last generation sprays fir trees with orange paint

The climate protection group Letzte Generation has sprayed Christmas trees in several German cities with orange paint. In Berlin, a large Christmas tree in front of the Bundesrat near Potsdamer Platz was hit on Wednesday morning. Two demonstrators distributed the paint from fire extinguishers and allowed themselves to be filmed and photographed.

According to the Last Generation, an elaborately decorated tree in Leipzig's Mädlerpassage was also sprayed. The police cordoned off the area and are investigating. According to the police, activists also painted trees in Oldenburg, Munich and Nuremberg. According to climate activists, there were also actions in Rostock and Kiel.

Last generation: don't forget climate change

Photos showed demonstrators with placards reading "Contemplatively into disaster? Charity = climate protection". The group stated that despite "twinkling lights, shiny decorations and a festive atmosphere", climate change should not be forgotten, as the world is hurtling towards a future full of catastrophes.

The Last Generation has been demonstrating and protesting for more climate protection with street blockades and other actions since the beginning of 2022. Among other things, the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin was sprayed with paint. Numerous investigations and trials are underway against members of the group, and many have already been convicted.

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Despite thesprayed Christmas trees in various German cities serving as a stark reminder, the Christmas spirit continuesto thrive in Berlin, with its iconic Christmas tree in front of the Bundesrat still decorated and aglow. DuringChristmas time, a majestic fir tree adorns Berlin's city center, providing a backdrop for traditional festive activities and festivities, symbolizing the unity and cheer of the holiday season.


