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Landesbetrieb: Groundwater levels have recuperated

The heavy rain in the previous winter hasbenefited the groundwater levels in Lower Saxony. However, experts caution that it is too early for a general all-clear. It continues to cause further concerns.

The heavy rain in lower Saxony last winter replenished the groundwater levels well (archive photo)
The heavy rain in lower Saxony last winter replenished the groundwater levels well (archive photo)

Water management - Landesbetrieb: Groundwater levels have recuperated

A rich year 2023 and record rainfall in the previous winter, according to expert estimates, have led to improvements in the strained groundwater levels in Lower Saxony. However, we cannot speak of a general warning or recovery of groundwater levels, said groundwater expert Dieter de Vries of the Lower Saxony Water Management, Coastal Protection and Nature Conservation (NLWKN), in a statement.

However, a positive development is not to be observed everywhere in Lower Saxony. In particular, extensive sinkings of groundwater levels were observed in the Lüneburg Heath in 2023. It is still unclear how the last winter rainfall affected this area.

In the dry years 2018 and 2019, groundwater levels remained at an extremely low level in many regions according to the Landesbetrieb. Experts in water management are therefore concerned about a long-term trend towards decreasing groundwater levels, an increase in water deficits in the summer and surpluses in the winter. "In the future, larger fluctuations in groundwater levels must be taken into account regionally," said de Vries. Therefore, strategies are needed.

Online platform shows groundwater levels

Since last year, the groundwater development in Lower Saxony has also been visible in a web application called "Groundwaterstandonline". At the website, the portal shows the daily development of groundwater levels at around 160 measurement points in the state. Due to high interest in the application, the NLWKN is reportedly checking whether the offer can be expanded.

Lower Saxony Environment Minister Christian Meyer highlighted the work of the NLWKN during a visit to the NLWKN directorate in the eastern part of Aurich district (Landkreis Aurich). "Adapting to the consequences of the climate crisis and mitigating them as much as possible is a central task for us all – also and especially for the NLWKN," said the Green politician. The state government plans to strengthen the Landesbetrieb personnel-wise. Meyer said, the draft budget sees the authority receiving an additional 50 positions in 2025 - of which 30 in flood and coastal protection.

  1. The record rainfall in the previous winter has positively impacted the state enterprise, NLWKN, in their water management efforts, as it has contributed to improvements in groundwater levels across Lower Saxony.
  2. The Ecology politics in Lower Saxony recognize the importance of climate in relation to water management, and they are closely monitoring the impact of rainfall on groundwater levels, particularly in areas like the Lüneburg Heath.
  3. The online platform 'Groundwaterstandonline' operated by the NLWKN provides real-time data on groundwater levels at various measurement points across Lower Saxony, aiding in environmental and water management decisions.
  4. In light of the increasing frequency of climate-related challenges like extreme rainfall and droughts, the Ecology politics in Lower Saxony is planning to bolster the staff of the NLWKN, with an addition of 50 positions by 2025, focusing on flood and coastal protection.

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