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Kurs Museum: Ex-Marine U-Boat U17 approaching target

Huckepack sails an obsolete U-Boat over water and land from Kiel to Sinsheim. Only a few kilometers are left now after many months.

Project Leader Einhorn: Everyone must pull in one direction. (Archive photo)
Project Leader Einhorn: Everyone must pull in one direction. (Archive photo)

Technical History - Kurs Museum: Ex-Marine U-Boat U17 approaching target

The former Marine U-Boat U17 from Kiel is expected to reach its destination more than a year after the start of its spectacular transport: On Sunday (28.7.), the roughly 350 tonnes heavy steel colossus will be ceremoniously welcomed at the Technik Museum in Sinsheim in the early afternoon. After a remarkable odyssey on water and land, the maritime relic is predicted to be accessible in the exhibition from summer 2025.

"A transport of this scale can only function if all parties pull in the same direction," said project leader Michael Einkörn just before the end of the mission. "Our heartfelt thanks therefore go to all cities, municipalities, districts, railway, autobahn, and all other participants." U17 was in service from 1973 to 2010. After negotiations with the Federal Ministry of Defense and the Bundeswehr, a loan agreement was concluded with the Technik Museen Sinsheim Speyer. A year ago, a port crane then lifted the cargo into Kiel onto a floating platform, and it has been gradually approaching its goal since then.

Thousands stood at the Rhine bank in Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate, and North Rhine-Westphalia and followed the transport of the unusual exhibition piece first to its intermediate destination Speyer (Palatinate). There, it underwent a technical conversion. For example, the tonne-heavy batteries were removed from the U-Boat to reduce the weight for transport. At the end of June, U17 started its last journey to the Kraichgau.

Many people followed the example of Heidelberg, Bad Rappenau, or along the closed A6 at night, as the 50-meter long U-Boat moved on a floating platform or a Tieflader with 30 axles. To avoid obstacles, the steel giant had to be tilted occasionally. Now, the goal is in sight. The project costs the museums an estimated two million euros and is mainly financed through donations.

  1. The U-Boat U17, originally from Kiel in the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein, will find a new home in the Technik Museum in Sinsheim, located in the state of Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
  2. The transport of the historic U-Boat has been a collaborative effort involving multiple cities, municipalities, districts, and transport networks in both Rhineland-Palatinate and Baden-Württemberg.
  3. After undergoing technical conversions, including the removal of heavy batteries, the U-Boat left Speyer in June and is now making its final approach towards Kiel.
  4. The Defense Ministry and the Bundeswehr played a role in the negotiations to secure the loan of the U-Boat U17 to the Technik Museen Sinsheim Speyer.
  5. Once the U-Boat is installed at the Technik Museum in Sinsheim, visitors can explore this fascinating piece of military history from the summer of 2025.
  6. The museums anticipate that the project to transport and install the U-Boat U17 will cost around two million euros, primarily funded through donations and contributions from supporters.

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