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Kretschmer: Saxony profits from Herrnhut's distinction

Unesco has designated the Saxon town of Herrnhut, as part of the Herrnhut Brothers' Settlements, as a new World Heritage site. The President of Saxony is pleased about this.

Michael Kretschmer congratulates Herrnhut on the designation as World Heritage (Archiv image)
Michael Kretschmer congratulates Herrnhut on the designation as World Heritage (Archiv image)

UNESCO World Heritage - Kretschmer: Saxony profits from Herrnhut's distinction

Saxony's Minister-President Michael Kretschmer is pleased about Herrhut being designated as a new World Heritage site. "The people behind this achievement have accomplished much. The entire Free State benefits from it," the CDU politician stated. The responsible committee of the UN cultural organization made its decision at a morning session in New Delhi.

Herrhut is now the third World Heritage site in Saxony. "These special places attract many female visitors and male visitors. They are places of encounter and inspiration. And places that give confidence and strength for the next tasks," so Kretschmer. Muskauer Park in Bad Muskau in Upper Lusatia and the Erzgebirge are also on the World Heritage list.

Herrhut is the origin of the Evangelical Brethren. Refugees from Moravia founded the place in 1722. The missing "d" in the name of the community "Brethren" is due to the language of the time, as one still spoke of Gemeine (common).

Herrhut was added to the list through a transnational extension application. The city in Eastern Saxony applied for recognition together with Bethlehem in Pennsylvania, USA, and Gracehill in Northern Ireland.

  1. Michael Kretschmer, the CDU leader of Saxony, expressed his delight after UNESCO designated Herrhut as a new World Heritage site in New Delhi.
  2. As a result of this recognition, Herrhut becomes the third World Heritage site located within the boundaries of Saxony, following Muskauer Park in Bad Muskau and the Erzgebirge.
  3. The Evangelical Brethren community, founded by refugees from Moravia in 1722, is the origin of Herrhut. The absence of a "d" in the word "Brethren" can be attributed to the lingual context of the time, as people still used the term "Gemeine" (common) to refer to this group.
  4. The addition of Herrhut to the World Heritage list was achieved through a transnational extension application submitted by the city in Eastern Saxony, in collaboration with Bethlehem in Pennsylvania, USA, and Gracehill in Northern Ireland.
  5. Herrhut's UNESCO distinction represents a significant cultural milestone, as it serves as a historical meeting point for individuals from diverse backgrounds, inspiring visitors with its unique heritage and offering strength and motivation for future endeavors.

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