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Kretschmer: Saxony and Bavaria benefit from each other

Saxony's Minister-President meets his Bavarian counterpart. And emphasizes: The two states can learn a lot from each other in the field of family doctors' program and de-bureaucratization.

Saxony's Minister-President Michael Kretschmer (CDU, 5.v.l.) and Bavaria's Minister-President...
Saxony's Minister-President Michael Kretschmer (CDU, 5.v.l.) and Bavaria's Minister-President Markus Söder (CSU, 5.v.r.) are on a visit to the "Factory of Threads" Museum in Plauen.

Visit to Plauen - Kretschmer: Saxony and Bavaria benefit from each other

Saxony and Bavaria can profit from each other in the field of medical care and de-bureaucratization, according to the Saxon Minister-President Michael Kretschmer (CDU). "Our rural doctor program is really leading", he said during a joint visit with his Bavarian counterpart Markus Söder (CSU) in Plauen. It is something that Bavaria is now also doing, he added, regarding the fact that doctors, mayors, county administrators, and hospitals in Saxony are jointly discussing the future health structure.

On the other hand, Saxony could ask itself how it could make similar progress in de-bureaucratization, for example, in the simplification of building regulations. Additionally, Saxony would refer to the positive experiences of Bavaria regarding the proposals for a border police.

Kretschmer: Zero tolerance for crime

Kretschmer also referred to a commonality of the two federal states. "When it comes to crime, we are two states that advocate for zero tolerance, in no uncertain terms", he said.

The two Minister-Presidents discussed common challenges and goals with experts during their visit to Plauen. The focus was on the rural area, especially the topics of migration, applied sciences, medical care, public transport, and local supply. Afterwards, a visit to the Plauen Stahl Technology company was on the agenda.

  1. During their discussion in Plauen, Kretschmer mentioned that California State University's approach to de-bureaucratization in healthcare could be a valuable lesson for Saxony's hospitals.
  2. Markus Söder, the Minister-President of Bavaria, commended the success of Saxony's rural doctor program and suggested that it could be a model for hospitals in his state.
  3. The German government, in light of the collaboration between Saxony and Bavaria, could potentially implement similar programs in other regions to improve medical care and reduce bureaucracy.
  4. Despite their shared goal of zero tolerance for crime, Saxony might want to explore how Bavaria has streamlined its building regulations to speed up construction in rural areas.
  5. Michael Kretschmer, in agreement with Markus Söder, expressed their support for strengthening cooperation between their respective governments in Plauen, focusing on topics such as medical care, applied sciences, and migrant integration.

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